- 1951 West German peace movement poster displayed by the Berlin German Historical Museum (DHM)'s Niemoller page:
Herausgegeben vom Magistrat von GrossßBerlin
Martin Niemöller: "Während des Faschismus hat sich die Kirche schuldig gemacht, weil sie eine schweigende Kirche war. Sie muss jetzt alles tun, um ihre Anhänger für den Frieden zu gewinnen."
- The quotation translates as:
"During fascism the church made itself guilty because it was a silent church. Now it has to do everything to win its constituents for peace."
- 1980s West German peace movement poster displayed by the Berlin German Historical Museum (DHM)'s Niemoller page:
Plakat des Komittes für Frieden, Abrüstung und Zusammenarbeit
Martin Niemöller: "Wer den Frieden will, muss mit dem Gegner gemeinsam leben wollen. Wir müssen Vertrauen wagen. Darum Schluss mit dem Rüsten."
- The quotation translates as:
"Whoever wants peace must want to live together with their enemies. We have to risk trust. That's why the arms race must end."
- Version at the New England Holocaust Memorial in Boston, dedicated in October 1995.
- NEHM Niemoller page
- Communists
Trade Unionists
Catholics (Boston is a very Catholic city!)
- from a sign carried at a 2002 peace rally in San Francisco
- Jews
Trade Unionists
- From a July 2002 posting on RumorMillNews.com
- (By the way, just because someone said a version of the quotation during a debate in the US congress, does not make it "original" or "correct.")
- I have no idea where the rumormill author obtained this photomontage with a Hitler Youth in the background
- Jews
Trade Unionists
- Poster available at the NorthernSun.com website: "Products for Progressives"
- Communists
Trade Unionists
- ca. 2006 "Price of Silence" poster available at the ProgressivePortal.org Posters page for $19 (including shipping)
- I date this to 2006 because that was the year major debates about immigration into the US began
- Immigrants
Teenaged Mothers
Gays & Lesbians
Jew, elderly, radicals, farmers, "disabled," trade unionists, poor, artists

Cuando los nazis vinieron a buscar a los comunistas,guardé silencio,
porque yo no era comunista.
Cuando encarcelaron a los socialdemócratas,
guardé silencio,
porque yo no era socialdemócrata.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los sindicalistas,
no protesté,
porque yo no era sindicalista.
Cuando vinieron a buscar a los judíos,
no protesté,
porque yo no era judío.
Cuando vinieron a buscarme,
no había nadie más que pudiera protestar. |
- Nov. 2006 Spanish variation in a cartoon from a blog
- The blog also has a Spanish translation directly from the German
"Me lavaron el cerebro con la telebasura ...
Me hicieron infinitos contratos precarios ...
Me pagaban un sueldo de miseria...
Me obligaban a cumplir jornadas de 14 horas...
Me impidieron tener una vivienda...
Me obligaron a no poder formar una familia...
Me mintieron diciéndome que 'no hay futuro' ...
Consentí cosas como esto de Guantánamo ..." |
They washed my brain with junk TV...
They forced me to sign unending difficult contracts...
They paid me a starvation wage...
They forced to me to work 14 hour days...
They prevented me from having a house...
They kept me unable to have a family...
They lied to me saying 'there is no future' ...
I agree to things like those at Guantanamo...
- Communists
Social Democrats
Trade Unionists
- before 2009 version by the Syracuse
Cultural Workers , available laminated & framed for $14-$17.
- Communists
Trade Unionists