Hist 133C Midterm Evaluation (February 18, 2004=L18/30) (pdf
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Your candid answers to the following questions provide me with feedback
that will help me to improve my teaching in general and this course in
particular. The survey is anonymous: do not write your name on
this page!
- Self Evaluation (this helps
me to assess your other answers; please circle closest
My GPA makes me an:
A / B / C
I am a: freshman / sophomore / junior
/ senior ,
and I am a history major: yes
/ no
How many lectures have you missed? none
/ 1 or 2 / 3 or more
How much background in German history did you have before this
course? much / some / little / none
I do the readings:
always / usually / sometimes / I am
very behind / almost never
For the book assignment
so far I have worked: hard / moderate
/ expended little effort .
Overall: I like this course
/ this course is ok / I don’t like this course .
- Lecture style.
Please comment on the style of the lectures; circle where appropriate:
In general, are they (circle):
easy to get the main points / ok /
hard to follow ? If the latter,
why? ______
What do you think of the powerpoint? like
it / chalkboard & slides would be better / prefer paper handouts
What do you think about the amount of student participation (asking
questions)? enough / could have more
Is there any particular thing that annoys or distracts you?
Is there anything you'd like the professor to do more or less of?
- Lecture Content.
Think about what you wanted or expected to learn when you signed up
for this course.
Please name any particular lectures,
topics, or reader articles that stand out in your mind as particularly
good, bad, "useless," etc.:
Is there anything(s) that you learned so far that stands out
in your mind as a "lesson of the course"?
- Readings, Web Site: Please
rate on a scale 1=useless to 5= ok to 10=excellent.
Enter a "0" or "—" if
you haven’t read enough
to judge.
Fulbrook, Divided Germany
_____Böll, Billiards at Half-past Nine
_____Sources in the course reader (overall)
The Reader |
Wall Jumper
Web site: frequency checked per week: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 /
______Overall usefullness. Comments: |
If you have any film or book suggestions,
please name them:
- Assignments & examinations
I like the "ten questions:"
better than a midterm / neutral / worse
than a midterm .
So far, I think the book assignment is going to be: an
interesting paper to write / neutral / a pain
I would do the web project instead of a final exam: definitely
project / doesn't matter / definitely exam
Final exam I prefer: 2-hour
in-class final / take-home, word limited final / oral: groups of 3 for
10 mins.
- Comments. Any other comments? How is the workload?