Hist 133C, L 7:
The Experience of Defeat, and the "Three Founding Myths"
by Prof. Marcuse, Jan. 21, 2004 (superceded by Jan.
2006 version)
How did WW2 end, and what lasting "lessons" did Germans draw from it?
Fortunes of War
Dachau statistics
Commandant of Belsen to boss, March 1, 1945
"You informed me me by telegram of 23rd February, 1945, that I was to receive 2,500 female detainees as a first consignment from Ravensbrück. I have assured accommodation for this number. The reception of further consignments is impossible, not only from the point of view of accommodation due to lack of space, but particularly on account of the feeding question. .... [I]t was decided that the camp could not hold more than 35,000 detainees. In the meantime this number has been exceeded by 7,000 and a further 6,200 are now on their way. As a result all barracks are overcrowded by at least 30%. ... In addition to this question, a spotted fever and typhus epidemic has now begun, which is spreading every day. The daily mortality rate, which was still in the vicinity of 60-70 at the beginning of February, has now attained a daily average of 250-300 and will increase further in light of the prevailing conditions."
Blitz' at liberation
Response: The "Three Myths"
Source Interpretation
of Dachau, Nov. 9, 1945 in Dachau castle
Ladies and Gentlemen!
How peaceful life once was here! Dachau, once the epitome of rural stolidity
and earthiness, closely bound to its artists and their noble cultural efforts
for more than a century! To mention only a few of the names that carried Dachau's
reputation into the world: Christian Morgenstern, ... Karl Spitzweg, Wilhelm
Leibl, Lovis Corinth, [Max] Slevogt, ...
At the beginning sparse reports about the inmates of the camp leaked out to
us. But after construction was complete the hermetic isolation left us with
only dark premonitions about the fates and human suffering behind the concrete
walls topped with barbed wire.
Dante's saying should have been written over the gate: "Lasciate ogni speranza,
voi, che entrate!" We know that since 1940 alone at least 28,000 people died
a miserable death. The lists show that 220,000 passed through the camp.
And the name of our beloved Dachau is associated with all of these cruelties!
But the real Dachau was different!
Today, with pure hearts and clean hands this "other Dachau" commemorates all
of the victims whose blood has soaked our native soil and whose ash covers the
paths within the camp.
You dead, however, who have been taken up by our native soil, rest there in
peace! Your memory shall not only be honored by a monument of stone, but we
will carry it in our hearts as long as the heavens allow us to breathe the air
of freedom, and allow the sun of peace to shine.
And in the future Dachau shall once again become a center of true culture and
respect for human rights, for the good of our city and all of humanity.
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