UCSB Hist 133C, L 18:
Arguing Theses: Victims, Resistance
by Prof. Marcuse, Feb. 18, 2004

What points do politicians, historians try to make? How?

  1. discussion of what a thesis is, and how to argue one: victims, Reagan, JFK
  2. Nazi past in E & W: Mythic Resistance
  3. finish discussion of The Reader
  4. return drafts; Q7 on Schneider on Fri.

The demise of the 3 myths, 2

1980s: end of victimization

1980s: Differentiation

1968 Dachau memorials


"To OUR victims of ALL wars"
To ALL victims of OUR wars

Ronald Reagan, Apr. 18, 1985

Ronald Reagan, May 5, 1985

JFK's 1963 speech in Berlin

The tenacious third myth

Final points

page by H. Marcuse, prepared for web Feb. 19, 2004
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