Links for History 133D: "The Holocaust in German History" [last updated 2001]

up one level (to course homepage); up two levels (to the professor's homepage)

You can either browse these newspapers, or use their search engines to pull up articles with keywords such as "Holocaust."

German and US news (English)
GERMNEWS daily e-mail summary in German or English (translation is a day or so older).
Deutsche Welle Radio news in English, with review of German newspaper commentaries
Frankfurter Rundschau with a selection of recent articles in English.
BBC European News (search screen at bottom)
CNN, Europe page (look for articles on Germany)
LA Times
New York Times
Washington Post searchable archive since 1987 (citations free)
German Information Center, New York has short summary papers on various topics of interest. (Course Reader #15 is one of these.) You can also subscribe to an electronic version of their weekly news summary by sending the text
sub gic-e firstname lastname
to (of course put in your own name!)

Web Browsing in Germany
Yahoo's Germany page, with history links subpage.

German History Resources
Nazi Propaganda Archive very extensive, with English translations (Calvin College)
German Information Center, New York
Geocities Germany page
German Government Site (in English).
German history sources collected by Richard Weikart, Cal State Stanislaus (go down to Nazi period; has links)
Official "stolen gold" site.

Look up
Encyclopedia Brittanica keyword search (UCSB users only)
Germ-Eng/Eng-Germ Dictionary (170,000+ terms, from LEO)
Students' translation dictionary (120,000 terms, with phrases and closest match)

German newspapers and -magazines (in German)
History articles in today's German newspapers (in German)
taz, die tageszeitung alternative left-wing daily, with 28-day archive.
Sueddeutsche Zeitung Munich daily, with free searchable 30-day archive
Die Zeit intellectual weekly, with searchable archive
Der Spiegel German equivalent to Time or Newsweek
Der Stern racier illustrated newsweekly
Focus the upstart newsweekly, tries harder

Other German songs (from Laura's midi heaven)

created 1999; last updated Oct. 4, 2001 [code cleaned 1/21/08--lots of links out of date]