UCSB Hist 133P, Winter 1997
note: details may be modified for Winter 1999 proseminar

Proseminar in German History
HSSB 3201, Wednesdays, 2-5

Prof. Harold Marcuse
HSSB 4221, Tel. 893-2635
Office hours:
Wed. 10-12


The purpose of the course is to help students select, formulate and investigate a topic of their interest within the broader theme of the course, and to provide a forum for the oral and written presentation of their results. The course includes instruction on research methods, and guidelines for writing research papers and formulating oral presentations.
Knowledge of German is not required. However, as far as possible these projects should draw on original source material (e.g. diaries, letters, contemporary diplomatic and journalistic reports, autobiographies, etc.).
Students who have completed my lecture course on post-1945 Germany (Hist 133C) in the fall quarter may already have narrowed down their topics of interest.


· Attendance is mandatory. You should come to class meetings prepared to discuss ideas, questions, and problems you encountered in completing the assignments.
Call my office and leave a message should an emergency situation arise.

· Four written exercises (to be submitted on the day before the class meets).
You will need to purchase at least one package of 4"x6" index cards.

· A two page peer review of another student's research paper.

· A 10 minute oral presentation of the results of your research, based on a thesis paper.

· A research paper: 20-25 text pages (double spaced, 1½x1x1x1" margins, 12 pt. font). A complete draft is due on Monday, Mar. 3, 12 noon; a final version on Tuesday, March 18.


Exercise 1 (list of research topics): 5%
Exercise 2 (results of library search): 5%
Exercise 3 (10 index cards): 5%
Exercise 4 (outline, 12 book & 10 keyword cards): 10%
Timely submission of 5 pp.+outline+bibliography: 5%
Timely submission of 15 text pages: 5%
Peer review: 10%
Oral presentation and thesis paper: 5%
Final Paper: 50%


Mary Lynn Rampolla, A Pocket Guide to Writing in History (Boston: Bedford, 1995). ($5[?])
This booklet gives advice about how one can research, organize and write a history research paper. It includes examples of how to cite primary and secondary sources.

Diana Hacker, A Pocket Style Manual (Boston: Bedford, 1993). ($10.65/$8 used)
If you followed all of the guidelines in this book, I would have 75% less work to do.


1. JAN. 7: Introduction. Discussion of syllabus, historiographical issues, and paper topics .

FOR NEXT WEEK (EXERCISE 1): Read Pocket Guide, 6-13. Make a list of at least 3-4 research topics which would interest you. Give a brief description of each, including questions you would answer. You will be asked to present one of these topics to the seminar.
Also: open an e-mail account if you do not already have one!
Typed descriptions are due Monday, Jan. 13, by 4pm in my office.

2. JAN. 14: Presentation and discussion of research topics / How to find books and sources

FOR NEXT WEEK (EXERCISE 2): For the research topic which interests you most (which need not have been on last week's list, but which you should describe similarly), make a list of three key words or key word combinations. Search each of PEGASUS, MELVYL, and MAGS: 1) for the key or title words in your list; 2) for the subject tracers of books you found in 1; and 3) for the authors of the most promising works retrieved in 1 and 2. Finally, group the relevant call numbers and do an "unsystematic search" in the stacks.
If you can, also print out some of the citations you found, or e-mail them to yourself and print them out.
Due Monday, Jan. 20, 4pm.

3. JAN. 21: Discussion of library searches / Evaluating, reading and excerpting books.

FOR NEXT WEEK (EXERCISE 3): Read Pocket Guide, 4f, 23-31. For one of the most relevant books or articles you have found, make a set of index cards. These should include 1) one primary bibliography card, 2) at least two secondary bibliography cards, 3) at least 7 keyword cards.
Due Monday, Jan. 27, 4pm. Bring the book (or article) you used to class.

4. JAN. 28: Discussion of note taking and index cards / Making an outline.

FOR NEXT WEEK (EXERCISE 4): Reread Pocket Guide, 4-6. Draw up a tentative but detailed outline of your paper, and compile an ANNOTATED index card bibliography of at least 12 books and articles about your topic. Prepare at least 10 keyword cards from some of those books. Refer to Pocket Guide, 45-53, 55f for the proper citation format.
22 index cards due Monday, Feb. 3, 4pm.

5. FEB. 4: Discussion of outlines and bibliographies / Writing an introductory prospectus.

FOR NEXT WEEK: There will not be a class meeting. Schedule a meeting with the professor to discuss your project and progress. (mandatory)

6. FEB. 11: Writing break, no class meeting. Individual meetings with the professor.

FOR NEXT WEEK: Read Pocket Guide, 13-19-23, and reread 6-13.
Write the introduction to your paper in the form of a prospectus (5 full pages minimum), and draw up a new outline.
5 pages plus outline plus typed bibliography due Monday, Feb. 17, 4pm.
Come to class prepared to discuss difficulties you encountered and problems you are having. (Success stories are also welcome!)

7. FEB. 18: Progress reports / Peer reviewing / Quotes and footnotes

FOR NEXT WEEK: Read Pocket Guide, 33-45, reread 4f, 27-9. Write the next 10 pages of your paper.
15 pages plus outline and bibliography due Monday, Feb. 24, 4pm, both in my office and in the hands of your peer reviewer.

8. FEB. 25: Return reviewed papers / Progress reports / Oral presentations and thesis papers

FOR NEXT WEEK: First group of complete drafts due on Monday, Mar. 3, 12 noon, to your peer reviewer only. First group: Schedule a meeting with the professor to discuss your presentation and thesis paper.
Typed peer reviews are due to your peer and in my office Fri., Mar. 7, 2pm.

9. MAR. 4: First round of oral presentations.

FOR NEXT WEEK: Second group of complete drafts due on Monday, Mar. 10, 12 noon, to peer reviewers only. Second group: Meet with the professor to discuss your presentation and thesis paper.
Peer reviews are due to your peer and in my office on Friday, Mar. 14, 2pm.

10. MAR. 11: Remaining oral presentations.

Tuesday, March 18, 2pm: Final draft of research paper due. (Earlier submissions are welcome.)