UC Santa Barbara > History Department > Prof. Marcuse > Courses > Hist 2c > 2008 Midterm Survey Results
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UCSB Hist 2c: World History, 1700-present

Midterm Survey Results

May 20, 2008

(Course homepage)
page created June 10, 2008, updated 6/x/08

About the survey

I conducted this survey using the free online tools from feedbackfarm.com, which I found to be superior to surveymonkey.com and the Center for History and the New Media survey tool I have used in the past.

295 of the 470 students in the course took the survey, most during week 7, ending May 21, 2008.

questions 1-4
4: So 54% want to be in the course; 46% would not take it if it weren't required

questions 5-8
questions 9-11
questions 12-15

prepared for web by Harold Marcuse, June 10, 2008, last updated: see header
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