- Prof. Marcuse was called for jury duty, so we will see a video about America
and the Holocaust (PBS, 1994)
- Wed. evening, 3optional films:
1. "Nazi Designers of Death" about Auschwitz (ca. 35 mins. left)
2. Last 12 mins. of first tape from 1978 "Holocaust" TV miniseries
(7˝ hrs total)
3. Rest of today's in-class film
- Peace corps announcement
- Q2 (ca. 11:10-11:20)
- video "America and the Holocaust" (1994) [ca. 40 mins. of 90 min.
- pick up journals and Q1 at end of class
Question 2 (2 parts, 2pts each):
- When you think of the Museum of Tolerance, what is the first
thing that pops into your mind?
After thinking for just a few moments, what do you think is the most
important thing you learned there? Very briefly: why?
- Answer the same questions for the LA Museum of the Holocaust:
-- first thing you think of;
-- most important thing, and, briefly, why?
If you were not at either museum, note this on your paper, and whether you were excused. Then answer based on web sites or other Holocaust museums you’ve visited.