33D, Lecture 10:
Role of Science (role in Religion)
- Review: EIEIO
- Film clip: "Selling Murder" (14 mins.)
- Role of science (use eieio)
- Announcements (journals due Thu/Tue)
- Role in religion (Christianity, Judaism)
Last Thursday
- Question: What factors played
a role in causing the Holocaust? In allowing it
to happen?
In general, what things play a role in allowing and making historical
events happen?
- Answer: 5 broad categories, interconnected:
- Economic factors (Marxism: these underlie all
- International factors (diplomacy, intervention)
- Elites (behavior of groups w/ special access to
- Ideology/Information/Media: perception of the
- "Opposition": people, human agents
EIEIO "Theory" (diagram from last time) |
Today's Question(s)
- What role did science play incausing the
In allowing it to happen? (precondition)
- [What role did religion play? (see
How has "Auschwitz" been explained by religions?
Film Clip (14 mins.)
- "Selling Murder" by Michael Burleigh (essay in his
Death and Deliverance, 1994)
- Discovery channel, May 1993
- Propaganda films:
- 1935: for Nazi party members and sympathsizers
- 1937 "Victims of the Past" shown in cinemas
- 1939 "Existence without Life," commissioned by
T4 staff after gassings
this is the selection we will watch, plus 2 mins. of interviews today
- 1941 "I Accuse": feature film, 18 mio. Viewers
- Hadamar (near Frankfurt); [Hannah in TV miniseries
Holocaust ]
- Orderly Paul Reuter, survivor Elvira Manthey
- Aktion "T4" from address in Berlin: Tiergartenstrasse
- While watching: note EIEIO factors mentioned
Role of Science (medicine)?
- In museums we visited? In readings? (textbook
167, 186f) NONE.
- Economics
- International connections
- Elites
- Ideology, knowledge
- Opposition
- Videos now in Kerr Hall
- Journals due this Thursday with 5 entries, or next Tuesday
with 6
- Checks for drivers who gave me gas receipts:
after class, or during office hours (need your car license plate number)
- Question: how is German class going?
- Final exam options? (midterm evaluation on Thu)
- pass out Q2 and journals
Religion: Christianity
- Role of religious institutions in Holocaust
- Churches: textbook pp. 215-221
- Role of Holocaust in Christian theology
- Christian antisemitism overlaps racial antisemitism
- Nature of God: 2 visions; no grave consequences
"My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
"Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."
Religion: Judaism
Judaism (9 positions)
- Question of theodicy
- Just punishment for past sins
- Vicarious atonement (for sins of others)
- Test of faith (Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac)
- Inscrutable mystery, transcends human understanding
- God turned away temporarily
- God is dead
- Ultimate human evil
- Affirmation of Jewish survival (human agency)
Wednesday evening, 5-7pm
- Film "Escape from Sobibor," 120 mins.
- With Alan Arkin and Rutger Hauer
- 1987 made-for-TV movie
- Uprising in extermination camp, Oct. 1943:after
Warsaw ghetto and Treblinka
- Survivor Thomas "Toivi" Blatt (Santa
Barbara, LA Museum of Holocaust)
- Ca. 350 escapees, 90-100 survived until end of war
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