UCSB Hist 33D, L 11: Resistance
Prof. H. Marcuse, Oct. 31, 2002
- Questions from last time and for today
- Resistance: definitions and examples
- Announcements (midterm evaluation)
- Conclusions
Last Lecture
What role did science play in causing the Holocaust? In allowing it to happen?
- Answer:
A very important role, one that is often neglected in explanations of the
- Ideology of "racial science,"
disseminated thru films
(additional legitimacy from International connections)
- Elites such as doctors
- O: Trained staff from euthanasia institutes was sent
to extermination camps.
Case of Marlies "Sara" Müller
- Jewish, born 1922 (age 18)
- exchange student in England
- Household help for family in Göttingen
- Accused of constant "miscegenation" with German soldiers
- In concentration camp, repeatedly punished for insolence and laziness
Last time: Religion
- What effect did "Auschwitz" have on religion?
- Christianity: no need for fundamental change to images
of God
- Judaism: range of responses, from "God is dead" to affirmation
of Jews as chosen people
Today's Questions
What is resistance? (definitions)
- Who resisted? (groups)
- When did they resist? (situations, conditions)
- How did they resist? (methods)
- Why did they resist? (motives)
think about it: What is resistance?
[class discussion with points collected on overlay]
Spectrum of behaviors:
- Collaboration (Vidkun Quisling did Nazi bidding in Norway)
- Passivity / inaction
- "Opposition"/"Dissent:" ameliorating the brunt of the system
- Resistance: working to end the system (Zivia Lubatkin and Antek Zuckermann
of ZOB in Warsaw ghetto)
Examples of Resistance: Jews
- Partisans
- Warsaw ghetto:
- Janusz Korczak
- ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization)
Case of Sobibor Uprising, Oct. 1943
- Sources:
- Book by Richard Raschke
- Film "Escape from Sobibor"
- Book by survivor Thomas Blatt
- Who: camp inmate workers (Jews)
- When: lull in genocidal activity; after Stalingrad, Warsaw ghetto
- Why: inspired by Warsaw ghetto uprising
- How: escape attempt
- Outcome: Did it shut down the camp? Or just save the lives of the personnel?
Examples: Germans
(importance of Stalingrad defeat, Feb. 2, 1943)
- White Rose, Munich; Aug. 1942; Feb. 14, 1943
- Rosenstrasse, Berlin; Feb. 27, 1943; 4 roundups
- July 20, 1944 military coup attempt
- Journals due today with 5 entries (total), or next Tuesday with 6
- Checks for drivers who gave me gas receipts (sign and car license plate number)
- Midterm evaluation (This helps me to fine-tune the course)
Conclusions about Resistance
- What: changes over time
- Depends on group: Jews, Germans, bystanders
- Individual motivations