Hist 33D,
L 10: Reserve Police Battalion 101
by Prof. H. Marcuse, UCSB, Oct. 23, 2003
Is mass murder something "ordinary people" can commit? If so, under what conditions?
Or: Were the men who committed it somehow "special"? How?
- Admin: field trip; proposals; return Q2
- Discussion of readings
- Wannsee
- Langer
- Browning vs. Goldhagen [saved for next Tuesday--be sure to read!!]
- Markle
- Videos in Kerr Hall?
- Field trip to LA: sign up sheet going around:
categories: Passengers; Drivers; already in LA; not on 11/2
- Journal entries 3 & 4 due Tuesday, 10/28
- Q3 on Tuesday: Goldhagen, Rumk., Perech.
- Final project "drafts" ->group proposals
- due next Thursday, 10/30
- With exact contribution of each person, and contact info (name, phone,
Project groups
- Auschwitz & camps
- Auschwitz, doctors, medical expts
- Denial
- US public "in denial" back then
- non-Jewish victims (e.g. homosexuals)
- Women: general, perps, Anne Frank
- France
- pre-Hitler (1920s) & Hitler
- justice / trials
Wannsee Film Discussion (same categories as last time)
- June 22, 1941: invasion of Soviet Union
- July 31, 1941: Göring order to Heydrich
- Sept. 29-30, 1941 at Babi Yar, Ukraine: 33,771 massacred
- planned mtg for Dec. 9, 1941, postponed evidence about Hitler's intention
/ decisio
- Who was invited: state gov't AND SS gov't
(structuralism!). Note different behaviors of 3 groups: SS around
Heydrich (Lange w/ dog, short balding Gestapo-Müller, Nazi functionaries
(yellowish/green-suited rep. of Nazi governor of occupied Poland), civilian
state bureaucrats (Interior w/ headcold, Reich chancellory w/ glasses at head
of table).
- How did the men behave/compete? (functionalism)
"preemptive obedience"
"working towards the Führer"
E. Langer: "100 Little Hitlers"
- comments, questions?
- motivations? ("race-based"? legal distinction)
- how should we deal with them?
- how were they dealt with? (Morris Dees and SPLC)
Browning vs. Goldhagen: "Ordinary" or specifically German?
[almost no one had read this, so saved for next Tuesday. BE SURE TO
READ IT! (Q3)]
Conclusions: Motives?
Markle discussion
68r86: "paradox of sequential action" (Baumann)
Sequencing: "functional division of labor"
Where to draw the line?
75r89: "Habit, routine, tradition" (Hilberg)
87r95: "cumulative radicalization" (Mommsen)
95r99: race as a social construction
43r101, also Browning (Hilberg's stats): Mar. 42-Feb. 43 (Wannsee to
Stalingrad): 1/2 of all 6 mio. Jewish victims of the Holocaust murdered
45r102: "crushing conformism and careerism"
56r108: "radical situationalism"
Roundup of (indiv.) Motivations
- racism (race-based antisemitism) (hate)
- ideological indoctrination (master race)
- obedience to orders (role of situation)
- deference to authority (bible: Abe vs. Sarah)
- careerism (preemptive obedience)
- conformity (peer pressure; solidarity)
- special selection of perpetrators
- wartime brutalization (situation)
- segmentation and routinization of task
- Economic / Int'l / Elite / Ideology / peOple
prepared for web by H. Marcuse, Oct. 24, 2003
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