UCSB Hist 33D, L 12: Jews
who resisted
by Prof. H. Marcuse, UCSB, Oct. 30, 2003
Did Jews go "like sheep to the slaughter"?
If so, why? If not, why not?
- Proposals due; midterm evals. [distributed, bring next time], field trip
- Defining "resistance" (vs. "opposition")
- Discussion of Escape from Sobibor
- Power / Action Grid (moral questions)[distributed, for next time]
- Please hand in group proposals
- Field trip to LA: Sunday 8am at bus loop
- meet at MOT at 10:15, LA Holo. Mus. at 2pm
- pack a lunch, bring an ID, but no metal
- E-mail list: now 29/44? Use for Q4?
Escape from Sobibor
- 550 prisoners: 150 stayed, 80 killed during, 170 in dragnet = 150 initial
95 killed in hiding, 5 in partisan units
=50 survived until end of war (Leon)
- Time scale: Russian Jews arrived Sept. 23, revolt was Oct. 14, 1943
- Everyday life in the camp: socializing, etc.
- Memory: what one remembers
Examples of Resistance I (recall from course material)
- Riefenstahl
- The Wave
- Kristallnacht
- in Maus
- Euthanasia program
- Designers of Auschwitz
- Wannsee conference
- Milgram experiments
- Ghettos: Rumkowski, Perechodnik, Czerniakow
- Sobibor
Examples of Resistance II
- Warsaw Ghetto (Sept. 1940-Apr/May 1943)
- Nov. 1940: 360,000 sealed in: 3-400 deaths/day
starvation: 37,000 in 1st year, 43,000 Jan-Sept 1942
- July 22, 1942 "intensified measures"=Treblinka
300,000 murdered in two months (5000/day)
- July 28: Jewish Combat Org (ZOB) formed
- Oct.: 60,000 left in ghetto
- mid-Jan. 1943: ZOB resisted clearing
- Apr. 19-May 17: stiff resistance (300†, 1000 w.)
- Treblinka uprising, Aug. 2, 1943
- Sobibor Oct. 14; Maidanek "Harvest" Nov. 1943
- Janusz Korczak (Aug. 6, 42); Oneg Shabbat
Defining Resistance
- What is it? (definitions, range)
- Who did it? (groups)
- When did they resist? (situations, conditions)
- How did they resist? (methods)
- Why did they resist? (motives)
prepared for web by H. Marcuse, Nov. 4, 2003
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