Political Liberalism
- belief in the basic goodness of human
- they have a RIGHT to be free in:
religion, speech, association, ("to be left alone")
- need PROTECTION against infringement
of rights
Economic Liberalism
- belief in the basic selfishness of
human beings
- free pursuit of self-interest results in greatest good (Adam
Smith, Inq. into Causes, 1776)
freedom of trade, "free market," laissez faire
Inherent contradiction:
government must leave alone AND
(separation of powers, elections)
Is liberalism "radical"?
Preference for institutions & practices
- that have evolved historically,
- and thus manifest continuity and stability
- respect for traditions, existing institutions
Humans not born free or good,
but naturally prone to:
- anarchy, evil, mutual destruction
Edmund Burke (1790):
state=partnership not only between
living, but between "those who are living, those who are
dead and those who are to be born."
(compare Rousseau's Social Contract [1762])
meanings: conservative vs. reactionary