To millions of German Protestants, even today, the
name Martin Niemoeller means Christianity. Above, he is shown in
his pulpit, preaching against Hitlerism, before his arrest. |
For years the world has wondered, with apprehension, about
the fate of Rev. Martin Niemoeller, the courageous German Protestant pastor
who was thrown into a Nazi concentration camp for defying Hitler by remaining
true to his Christian principles. Recently there have been reports, and
denials, that Niemoeller was converted to Catholicism, that he has become
a Nazi, etc. Now Niemoeller, the man and the Christian, is revealed in
this exclusive feature by Leo Stein, who tells the inside story of the
minister's sufferings in Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp, as well as
his views on the Jewish question. Mr. Stein recently arrived in America
and told his story to Kurt D. Singer, who helped him write it. Mr. Singer
is a veteran expert on the Niemoeller case; he was secretary of the Niemoeller
Aid Committee in Stockholm, Sweden, and is the author of a biography on
Niemoeller that was originally published in Swedish and later translated
and published in numerous European countries. Mr. Stein's article is the
first in America to give Mr. Niemoeller's views concerning the Jewish
people. -Editor.
FOR 22 months I lived under the same roof with Pastor Martin Niemoeller,
leader of the German Confessional Church (Bekenntniskirche)--Hitler's
great "aryan" trouble-shooter. We shared a prison cell at Moabit, and
later were together in the infamous Sachsenhausen concentration camp.
When I saw him for the first time, be was still wearing his street clothes.
It was in Moabit Prison; six of us had been brought before the investigating
inspector. We had been kept waiting for almost five hours, and I had a
good chance to look at him closely. This, then, was Niemoeller, leader
of the German Christians, the man who had called Hitler a "heathen," and
had shouted at him the now almost legendary words: "Not you, Mr. Hitler,
but the Lord is my Fuehrer!"
During the First World War, Martin Niemoeller was
one of the outstanding U-boat commanders in the German navy. This
picture shows him (standing in uniform, upper center) at the Kiel
harbor with his crew after a successful cruise. |
The atmosphere in the waiting room was far from pleasant. It was the
beginning of July, 1937. A former S.A. leader, von Wegemeister, was making
a loud speech. He was a prisoner himself now as a follower of the once-famed
Roehm, founder of the S.A., whom Hitler had shot to death in 1934. Wegemeister
kept insulting the Jews. "I'll tell the judge what I think of you for
locking me up with all these dirty Jews!" he screamed. Niemoeller's face
grew pale with anger, although he said nothing; the others approved of
Wegemeister's remarks.
Niemoeller and I were the last ones to be brought before the ''judge'';
since all conversation between Jews and "aryans" was forbidden in prison,
I did not dare to speak to him at first. But his disapproving attitude
toward Wegemeister had made me feel close to him. When we were alone,
he came over to me and said: "You are a Jew; don't mind all this; that
man doesn't know what he's talking about." Then, as if talking to himself,
he went on: "These narrow-minded Germans, to talk such nonsense." I told
Niemoeller that I had been arrested because I had still been active as
a lawyer and had continued to work at the University.
I still don't know exactly how it was that Niemoeller came to talk to
me. We had to wait together a long time, and in prison it does not take
long to get acquainted. Niemoeller was anxious to learn about conditions
in the prison, and I had been there for six months. I told him that there
were some 3,000 prisoners in Moabit, 600 of them women and many of them
"Yes," he said reflectively, "I have seen with my own eyes and heard
with my own ears how Jews have been maltreated. Among other places, I
have been at the Prinz Albrechtstrasse [Berlin Gestapo headquarters].
I had a chance to 'study' this prison, which is built underground like
a cave."
Niemoeller then told me of his own experiences, and how close he had
come to a nervous breakdown. Greatly moved, I listened to his words, which
I have not forgotten to this day:
"When they whipped the Jews and I heard these poor creatures cry out
[p. 285] like wounded animals, I knelt down and prayed to God. I never
prayed so fervently before in all my life. I almost collapsed. Without
my prayers, I could not have lived through rough the next day. But the
Lord have me new confidence and faith."
I had tears in my eyes when I heard him talk like that. He must have
noticed my emotion, because he tried to console me: "Put your faith in
the Lord; HE won't let you down."
From German hero to Nazi Prisoner. Picture at right,
showing Niemoeller in prison garb, was snapped in the Sachsenhausen
Concentration Camp by a guard who was a secret admirer, and smuggled
out. At left, Niemoeller in 1917, when he was promoted to U-boat commander
in the German navy When Hitler seized power, he became a Nazi, but
soon turned anti-Nazi when his eyes were opened. |
At this point in our conversation, Niemoeller was taken away, to "Amtsgerichtsrat"
Walter, whose real name, of course, was not Walter, because all Nazi officials
take pseudonyms in order to avoid retribution in the future, when their
former prisoners expect to ask them for an account of their misdeeds.
We were allowed a one-hour walk daily in the prison courtyard to get
fresh air. We walked in circles. There was a large circle for the healthy
men, and a smaller one for the sick and weak. I was in the small circle,
because I was very run down at that time, and soon Niemoeller was permitted
to join us, because of his weak physical condition. We were able to talk.
For seven months we saw each other daily, in the courtyard or at the doctor's,
and sometimes in the dentist's waiting room. We spent many many hours
in discussion: we had things in common since I had, in one of my university
courses, studied ecclesiastical law.
We "discussed" the Jewish question frequently. I put "discussed" in quotes,
because Niemoeller does not really like to "discuss" matters; he rather
thinks of his listeners as a church audience. He lectures, without realizing
"Jesus Christ," he said, "the founder of Christendom, was a Jew. I love
the Old Testament more than anything else. Hitler is trying to denounce
this Testament as 'Jewish,' but there is no Christianity without it. Whoever
is an anti-Semite and persecutes the Jews can never be a real Christian.
Hitler is the true anti-Christ."
In view of that fact, I once asked him how it had ever been possible
for him to become a member of the Nazi party.
The little church in. Dahlem, Berlin suburb, where
Pastor Niemoeller made his world-famous speeches. In this exclusive
suburban church, he addressed audiences of scientists, government
officials, business leaders, and high-ranking officers of the Imperial
as well as of the present German army staff. He still has many followers
in Germany today. |
"I find myself wondering about that too," he answered. "I wonder about
it is much as I regret it. Still, it is true that Hitler betrayed me.
I had an audience with him, as a representative of the Protestant Church,
shortly before he became Chancellor, in 1932. Hitler promised me on his
word of honor, to protect the Church, and not to issue any anti-Church
laws. He also agreed not to allow pogroms against the Jews, assuring me
as follows: 'There will be restrictions against the Jews, but there will
be no ghettos, no pogroms, in Germany'."
"I really believed," Niemoeller continued, "given the widespread anti-Semitism
in Germany, at that time--that Jews should avoid aspiring to Government
positions or seats in the Reichstag. There were many Jews, especially
among the Zionists, who took a similar stand. Hitler's assurance satisfied
me at the time. On the other hand, I hated the growing atheistic movement,
which was fostered and promoted by the Social Democrats and the Communists.
Their hostility toward the Church made me pin my hopes on Hitler for a
"I am paying for that mistake now; and not me alone, but thousands of
other persons like me."
Niemoeller was honest about what he said, as most prisoners are honest
who know that for an indeterminate length of time they must accept their
fellow-prisoners as friends. He had the following to say concerning the
Jews from Eastern Europe who settled in Germany after the First World
"I love Sholem Asch, although I don't love all of his heroes equally.
The German is super-patriotic; he does not love strangers. But if those
strangers make no effort to adjust themselves to his way of doing things,
he begins to hate them. That is a national characteristic. I know, of
course, that these Jews were persecuted in the Middle Ages, that cruel
legislation prevented them from working at most occupations. Hitler is
enforcing the same laws today.
"But the Jew who adjusts himself to the country he lives in is much better
off than the one who considers himself a Jew first, and only then a German,
Frenchman, American, etc."
"You see," he told me on another occasion, "Germany had lost the war;
we had an alarming crisis, inflation, [end 285; p. 301] an enormous unemployment
problem. Certain Russian and Polish Jews had taken refuge in Germany;
the great mass of the poor and unemployed believed them to be well-to-do.
Envy developed into hatred. Instead of feeling sorry for these miserable
refugees, some people begrudged them the little they had. Hitler quickly
stimulated these low passions, which finally brought him to power. Today,
Hitler persecutes Jews and Christians alike. There isn't a single Nazi
leader in the country today who has not cut himself off from the Christian
faith. The so-called 'German Christians' are just heathen, who see in
Hitler the Messiah; they have made him their 'Jesus Christ'."
The prisoners at Moabit knew that Niemoeller was there, but his presence
was not as significant as it was in the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp,
where everybody could see him. At the camp, he had more opportunity to
talk to the prisoners. He did pastoral work among them, in spite of ominous
warnings from the Nazi officials. He had an encouraging word for everybody,
a quotation from the Bible that helped many a man through his most desperate
hours. "I shall pray for you, my son," was his constant phrase. "I shall
pray for you," he assured a Communist, who was being led away after having
been condemned to death. "I shall pray for you," he told a young [p. 302]
Jewish physician who was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment because he
had been asked by a Nazi to write a memorandum on the Jewish question
and send it to Hitler. Without suspecting the trap, the doctor wrote down
his ideas and actually forwarded them to Hitler. He paid a heavy price
for his naivete.
Niemoeller saw executions at Moabit as well as at Sachsenhausen. Once
I saw tears in his eyes. A Jew, who had collapsed the day before, had
hidden himself in the camp to avoid being taken to the quarry, where he
would have collapsed again and been brutally beaten once more. The guards
finally found him, and shot him in cold blood before us.
I saw Niemoeller trembling: in his prisoner's uniform, with his pale
face, he was an impressive sight. Tears rolled down his checks, and he
said--loud enough for the Nazis to hear him: "Lord, forgive them, for
they don't know what they do." We were all startled, and many of us almost
wept. One of the guards who had heard Niemoeller walked up to him and
gave him a dirty look. "Into the barracks with you," he cried, pushing
him. "Get going!"
The same guard slapped Niemoeller a few days later, taunting him: "Where
is your dirty God now? Why doesn't He help you get out of this concentration
camp?" A moment later he shouted: "Salute Heil Hitler!" Niemoeller stood
silent. The guard slapped him again. "Salute Heil Hitler!" he roared.
Niemoeller remained silent, but just then another prisoner--a Jew--stepped
out of line, and the guard rushed away to beat the man to the ground.
All the prisoners realized that the Jew had done that deliberately, in
order to lure the brutal guard away from Niemoeller.
Niemoeller himself never treated Jews differently from Christians. Repeatedly
he gave of his bread to Jews, since the Jewish ration was smaller than
the "normal" one. He was particularly charitable to the suffering and
sick Jews. At the camp, additional food could be purchased--at extortionate
rates; many Jewish prisoners were penniless, and Niemoeller did all he
could for them. He never made any effort to keep his feelings a secret.
At one of our talks, he said: "No power on earth can force me not to see
in the Jew my fellow man. Persecutions of the Jews are un-Christian."
He demonstrated his attitude publicly by always speaking to Jews, by
helping them even though it meant punishment for himself. "All prisoners
are my brothers," he declared, "whether they be Jews or Christians." All
this did not make things any easier for him. Some of the prisoners denounced
him to the authorities, hoping to ingratiate themselves thereby; each
such traitor received a package of cigarettes.
Niemoeller only shook his head when such things came to his attention.
He talked with Communist deputies, begging them to train their followers
in the spirit of discipline and solidarity.
"In the Germany to come," he told me one day, "the Church will have to
make good for so many things. I only hope it won't take too long until
When I was finally released front the concentration camp to leave for
America, I went to Niemoeller to bid him farewell. I told him how grateful
I was for all the discussions we had had, and for the consolation and
courage he had given me. These were his last words to me:
"When you are abroad, tell world what you have seen. Let them know about
the brutalities practised daily in the concentration camps. You may also
tell them about me. I am not afraid of what might happen to me. I know
that Christ has taught us to suffer for mankind. Today I am only proud
to be allowed to suffer for him, for Christianity, for all mankind. As
for you, try to start life over again, a better life, if possible. We
may each other again--when there are no laws and discriminations against
Jews anymore, no more pogroms and political executions. Goodbye, my son."
I had tears in my eyes when I left him.