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- 8/28/06: Fall 2006 events of interest at UCSB:
- Two films by German director Werner Herzog: Aguirre,
The Wrath of God & Grizzly Man; Monday,
October 2 / 7:30 pm (Aguirre) & 9:30 pm (Grizzly) /
Campbell Hall
Director Werner Herzog established a central role
in the New German Cinema movement of the 1970s with the mesmerizing
epic tale Aguirre, The Wrath of God, starring Klaus Kinski. The
sparkling new 35 millimeter print chronicles the imperialist exploits
of Spanish conquistadors who become infected by greed in the jungles
of Peru. The recently released Grizzly Man, a bizarre video journal
of Timothy Treadwell’s summers communing with the grizzlies
in Alaska, once again illustrates Herzog’s talent for portraying
the uniquely disconcerting qualities of the obsessed. (1973, 94
min. / 2005, 103 min.)
Separate admission, each film: General public $6 / UCSB students
- 9/28/06: I've closed the class and started a waiting
list (4 names as of 2pm today). Usually some spaces open up
during the first week or so. (Two are available today.) I'll make an
announcement about this during the first class this Friday, 9/29. e-mail
me to have your name added to the list, or add it yourself during lecture.
- My Fall 2006 office hours will be M & Tue, noon-1pm.
(on 10/2 only until 12:30)
- 9/29/06, Friday 9:30: Fall
2006 syllabus is available; 5 names on the waiting list.
- 10/1/06: My office hour on Monday, 10/2 will end
at 12:30pm (instead of 1pm).
- The book Man of Straw can only be purchased used, or as a photocopy (costing ca. $12-14 and available in early November). Used copies can be found at amazon.com: 1984 edition, 1993 ed., and abebooks.com. (PS. order only from US sellers, and it's not worth going over $10 price, with ca. $3.50 shipping being added on--the photocopy will be cheaper.) At some point I'll circulate a list asking who wants to buy the photocopy. [$11.95]
- 10/5/06: handouts for Lecture
1 and Lecture 2 now available online.
- My office hour on Monday, 10/9 will be 1-2pm (instead of noon-1pm).
- On either 10/10 or 10/17 I will have to cancel my Tuesday office
hour. (Thursday instead)
- 10/9/06: handouts for Lecture
3 and Lecture 4
now available online.
- Note that Q2 is due on Wed. at 11am -- if you weren't in class,
see L4 handout for details. You may not understand the EIEIO model
too well (see handout!), but try your best.
- My Tuesday office hour this week (10/10) is cancelled. I'll be
available Thu. 12-1 instead.
- 10/10/09, 9am: From a student e-mail: "I
read through the sources a few times today and was struggling to link
in more than a couple of the EIEIO concepts without making rather
tenuous links. I was just wondering if there were any pointers you could
offer or whether the fact that all the EIEIO concepts tie into one another
means that whilst not all may be mentioned specifically, they all had
some impact."
- My response: "You're right, NOT
all of the terms are relevant to the same extent. One in particular
is stressed by the first 2 authors. The other factors to varying
degrees. I'll try to post a "hint" on the website by tonight."
To expand on that answer without giving everything away: First,
writing more than the 2/3 page will not get you more points. If
you didn't get a 3 on Q1, it was probably because you didn't include
any substantive information from Riesbeck's "letter" (S1).
For Q2, the first sentence of S2 mentions TWO things. S4 focuses
on another factor altogether, with a fourth figuring less explicitly.
A fifth causal factor does not appear in any of the 3 sources. Even
the author of a source--the existence of the source itself--can
be taken as a factor. So: be sure to address ALL THREE sources,
even if you only have 3 or 4 causal factors
- 10/14/06: Book
essay handout (2 pages), and handouts for L5:
Prussian Reforms and L6:
Romanticism uploaded. Sorry I ran out of the blue Book Essay handouts.
I made a dozen more to distribute on Monday.
- 10/18/06: Handouts for L7:
Congress of Vienna and L8:
1820 Restoration added. Note that L8 ends with Q3, due Friday
at 11 (as is the book proposal).
- 10/25/06: Handouts for L9: Pre-March, L10: 1848 Revolutions and L11: Frankfurt Parliament added. L10 included Question 4.
- The photocopy of Man of Straw is now available for purchase in the UCSB bookstore (on the shelves downstairs where the course books were). Cost: $11.95+tax.
- 10/30/06: Handouts for L12: Post-1848 Reaction and L13: Wilhelm I's New Era added.
- 11/1/06: Handout for L14: Origins of Social Democracy uploaded. Note that it includes Q5, due Friday at 11am.
- Clarification for book essay assignment: In point 5 of the blue book essay handout I write about a 1-2 page "summary description," which "is not the whole book essay." Point 7 specifies the total length: at least 1800 words, 6-7 pages. A couple of students asked whether only the 1-2 page summary is due next Wednesday. NO, the entire 1800-word essay is due! There are 25 possible points for this submission of the essay. You can not make up lost points later. And only students receiving 21.5 or more points will qualify for the web option
- 11/7/06: Handouts for L15: Bismarck and L16: Monuments added.
- office hours today (Tuesday) are 10-11am, NOT noon-1pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.
- note the Nov. 9, 8pm event in Campbell Hall: "White Rose and Children from a Vanished World"--I highly recommend it. (A&L Children page)

- 11/9/06: Handout for L17: Kulturkampf and provisional Heinrich Mann handout uploaded. Note that Q6 (on the L17 handout) is due Monday, 11/13. I will pass out hard copies of the Heinrich Mann handout then too, but if you want to start the reading this weekend, you may want to look over the on-line version first.
- 11/15/06: Handouts for L18: Women and L19: Wilhelm II now available.
Note that Q7 (on the L19 handout) is due Friday, 11/17.
For Q8, due next Monday, 11/20, you need to have read Man of Straw. Q8 on handout.
- 11/17/06: Handout for L20: Colonies available. Web option handout hopefully Saturday.
- 11/18/06:
draft of Web Option handout now available (6:30pm: final version with pdf).
- 11/20/06: L21: Wilhelmine Culture handout available.
- 12/3/06 (Sunday, midnight):
- Joe Campo's 30-slide WWI powerpoint (L24-25) is now available.
- L26 tomorrow will start with an in-class Q9, as announced before Thanksgiving.
- 12/7/06: Final exam (distributed in class yesterday) is now available.
The oral presentations so far were excellent!
- I will return all submitted web option papers on Friday. Web option students can then make the necessary corrections and begin submitting the electronic versions per e-mail. If I noted that you can add material for more credit, please tell me in the body of that e-mail message that you have done so. Only after you have reviewed the online version of your paper and checked it (links etc.) is the process finished and your grade final.
- 12/8/06: instructions for submitting the web option and final exams:
- Web Option:
- Make any corrections as marked on the final hard copy that I returned to you.
- You MUST REsubmit that final hard copy (all parts) with my comments AGAIN—I need to have it in hand when I prepare your essay for the web.
- Send me an e-mail, with ‘subject: 133a essay files AUTHOR’ and: in the body: tell when/where you gave/will give me your hard copy, and note what is attached; possibly also links to sources of images.
- Attach IN ONE DOCUMENT: your author, abstract, essay and annotated bibliography/linkography. Attach as separate files: any images you want included.
- Label your essay file: BookauthorsnameYourname06z.doc, e.g.KitchenMarcuse06z.doc (ONLY .doc and .rtf, NOT .wps)
- Label your images: BookauthorsnameDescription.jpg (.png .gif), e.g. Kitchen1871Map.jpg, KitchenCover.jpg, KitchenBismarck.jpg
- You will receive a confirmation e-mail from me with the link to your essay. Check it for accuracy and reply with any corrections. Only then will I give you credit for the final exam.
- Final Exam (on-line version)
- *Open books/notes/research
*no time limit (guideline time 3-4 hours, possibly plus typing),
*BUT: points off if an accurate word count is not inserted after each answer(count can be less than guideline, but not more)
- You must submit a hard copy;You may submit it early (and pick up your paper), HSSB 4221:
- Mon-Thu. 11:30-1:30pm
- Fri noon-3pm (regular exam time)
- Other times: Let me know and I’ll leave your paper outside my office door
- DO NOT leave your exam in the envelope, rather UNDER THE DOOR
- I announced in class today that in the essay question, you may substitute the relationship/interactions between Diederich & the Kaiser for any one of the ten groups. [Note: this option is NOT on the pdf version]
- 12/11/06: test versions of Essay Index Page and Template