UC Santa Barbara > History Department > Prof. Marcuse > Courses Page
Marcuse teaching, August 2004 Prof. Marcuse in a 2004 seminar for teachers
Prof. Harold Marcuse, UCSB:
Courses Page
Prof. Marcuse's homepage

page created Dec. 29, 2004, last updated 6/19/16

Linked course numbers go to course web sites. Bold links are for current courses.
Headings jump down on this page.

Lower Division
(jumps to descriptions below)

Upper Division
(jumps to descriptions below)

Honors & Graduate
(jumps to descriptions below)

Freshman/Honors Seminars

Survey Courses

German History

Holocaust History

(Reading, Research)

194h: Senior Honors Seminar;
199ra: Oral History Project

(genocides in hist, lit, film)
(4 hrs/wk)

(1 hr/wk)
Spr. 2008:
Hitler & Nazism,

Int 184hm
(2 hr/wk, honors)
(S'10, S'11)


World History

(Hist 500)
(Fall '14)

Western Civ

(final time in 2000)



(Fall 2015)

(Winter 2016)

(Winter 2014)


(no prereq.s)


(Spr. 2013)



(Spr. 2013)

Research Seminar

(Spr. 2016)

CompLit 184ee
(genocides in
hist, lit, art)

200e: Readings in German History,

200wd: Readings in World History
(Spring 2011)

201e: Readings on special topics
(Germany & Memory, W'07)

(Fall 2008, Winter 2009)

204: Writing Workshop
(Fall 2010)

217bc / 233ab: 20 week
graduate research seminars
(Spr.-Fall 2007)

See also the UCSB General Catalog listing of history courses
currently scheduled history courses;
General Education course listings.

Grading Data and Policies Page
(distributions since 2002)
Plagiarism Policy & Links Page
Prof. Marcuse's
ESCI scores

see also:
Prof. Marcuse page at RateMyProfessors.com
Lest students get too smug in their evaluations, I keep a
Student Bloopers page

Lehrer Laempel from Max and Moritz
Teacher Laempel from
Max and Moritz (1865)
Lower Division Courses (back to top)
  • GE 1 EW, "The Nazi Holocaust in History, Literature, and Film."
  • Hist 2C, "World History, 1700CE-present."
    • Catalog description: "Survey of the peoples, cultures, and social, economic, and political systems that have characterized the world's major civilizations in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Oceania."
    • World map, scaled by population
      Many students use this course to fulfill the General Education Area E/E1 "Civilizations and Thought" requirement.
    • The History 2 series is also one of three lower division survey series from which all history majors must complete two (the others are Hist 4: Western Civilization, and Hist 17: US History).
    • Hist 2c is also taught by Professors Bergstrom, Edgar, and Spickard.
    • I taught this course for the first time in Spring 2003, after having taught 4c (see next item) for many years.
    • my Fall 2010 2c website; Hist 500 syllabus (for TAs)
  • Hist 4C, "Western Civilization, 1715-present." [I no longer offer this; see 2c]
    • This is part of one of the other history survey series courses, two of which are required of all history majors. It can also be used to fulfill the general education Area E1 requirement.
    • I taught this course for the last time in 2000. Now I teach Hist 2c, World History.
    • 1996 syllabus
    • spring 2000 website, 2000 syllabus
  • Hist 33D,cover of course reader "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Holocaust."
  • Int 94: 
    • "Teaching the Holocaust beyond the 'Third Generation'" (2000)
    • "Representing Hitler and Nazism, 1925-2005" (2005)
    • From the Freshman Seminar website: "UCSB has created an exciting new educational opportunity for members of the freshman class -- freshman seminars. These small group seminars, with a maximum of twenty students, will be taught by faculty who have volunteered their time and effort because they want to meet and teach students who are early in their UCSB careers. Facilitating student-faculty contact is one of the major goals of the freshman seminar."
    • my Winter 2000 Int 94 syllabus; handouts week 2, wk 3, wk 4, wk 6
    • Fall 2005; Spring 2007; Spring 2008; Spring 2009; course website
  • Int 184hm
    • Honors seminar Spring 2010, Spring 2011

Upper Division Courses on German and Holocaust History (back to top)

Senior Honors and Graduate Courses (back to top)

  • 194HA,B,C,
    Carl Spitzweg (Dachau artist): "Bookworm," 1850
    Senior Honors Seminar
    • This three-quarter course is the capstone of the history department's honors program. Honors candidates work closely with an individual faculty mentor on a chosen topic, while meeting regularly with their peers and a seminar director to discuss issues of research, interpretation and writing, and to critique each other's work.
    • This course is taught be various professors. I taught it in 1996-97, 1997-98, and Fall 1998-99.
    • Prof. Lansing taught it in 2004-05; in 2008 & 2009 Prof. Bernstein taught it. Dept. description with link to current instructor's homepage
    • In 2005-06 it was shortened to a 2-quarter course.
    • my 1998-99 senior thesis seminar syllabus
    • database of theses submitted 1981-1997
  • Hist 199ra, Independent Research Seminar
  • 200E, Prof and students in 1470Graduate reading seminar in modern German history
  • 201E, Topics in German History (back to top)
    • Since I haven't yet had enough students specializing in German history, I've offered this content in conjunction with a 200e, and as an independent reading course only.
    • Topics I plan to offer include History and Memory, Public History, and History Education
    • 2007 201e website with syllabus, detailed bibliography and definitions page

  • 217BC, Research Seminar in Public History (Public Resource Management)
  • 233AB, Research Seminar in German History
    • "A two-quarter (20 week) research seminar for graduate students interested in aspects of nineteenth and twentieth century German history. Students will learn and apply researching techniques, as well as writing, editing and presentation skills."
    • Completion of four such seminars is required of all UCSB history graduate students before they can enter candidacy
    • Spring-Fall 2003 233AB syllabus; 1995 syllabus
    • note: I may someday teach Hist 233H on Habermas, which was developed by Prof. Fogel


page created by Harold Marcuse, December 29, 2004, last updated: see page header
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