Turn in web option papers
Again: What brought the wall down?
- Clip from video: "Germany Reunites" (1990), 21 min.
and the end of East Germany
- Panel this afternoon, 6020 HSSB, 2-4pm: "Survivors of Trauma" -- extra
Video (1990), 21 mins.
- BBC series: "Eastern Europe: Breaking with the Past"
- unification was just emerging as a possibility -> no "historical
perspective" yet
- Starts w/ 1986=25th anniv. of wall footage (compare the 1981 celebration
in The Promise)
- What did people like about life in East Germany? (think about Harald)
- "Imperialism as highest stage of capitalism"
- Jugendweihe (youth consecration): replaces Christian confirmation;
- Stasi "smell brigade" (W. German TV): biological DNA detection device?
- "Freedom is always
also the freedom
of those with dissenting opinions"
- East Germany: "Freedom is the insight into necessity"
Stasi Principles: antithetical to democracy
- Every person is a potential security risk
- Know everything in order to be secure
- Security has precedence over law