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The Holocaust in German History, 2010: Introductory Survey compiled for UCSB Hist 133d by Professor Harold
Marcuse page begun Jan. 23, 2010; last update: 1/23/10 |
Genocide |
Holocaust |
Films |
Taking |
Professor |
Background (back to top)
Word Association: Cases of Genocide (back to top) 1) When the professor asked you to list examples of genocide, what did you write down in class? (One term per line, please) I compiled these into a list and sorted them, aggregating similar items. This was not a very efficient way to do it, since feedbackfarm puts all the answers on one line and I had to enter paragraph marks before sorting. 39 respondents listed 105 items (39x3=117). Here is the result:
Association with "Holocaust' (back to top) 2) When the professor asked you to list some images/people/places/events that occurred to you when you heard the word "Holocaust," what did you write down? (One term per line, as many as you wrote down) Again, I compiled these into a list and sorted them, aggregating similar items. Here is the result (227 items total, so about 6 each; 6 x 39 = 234):
Prior Study of the Holocaust or Genocide (back to top) 3) Have you studied the Holocaust or genocides before? (check all that apply)
Books and Films on the Holocaust that you've seen (back to top) 4) What books and films about the Holocaust or German history have you seen? Please list the first ones (up to seven) that you think of, one per line. 20 students responded here; 2 couldn't remember anything specific. There were 132 items, so each of the 18 remembered on average 7 items!
Requirement Reasons for Taking Course (back to top) 5) Are you taking this course to fulfill any of these requirements? (Check all that apply.)
total of 49 (so 10 checked more than one) |
Specific Comments -- Topics you want to learn about? (back to top) 6) Optional: do you have any comments for the professor? Any topics that you especially want to see covered in this course? (Note: this survey is anonymous) 20 students responded
Links (back to top) Other course surveys I've given with results posted on the web |