(back to top)
- 10/9/08: most of the old announcements have been removed,
you can still find them on the 2008 133d
- Jan. 21, 2008:
- Jan. 24-Feb. 2, 2008: Santa Barbara International Film Festival.
There are four films being screened that have Holocaust themes (thanks
to Mackenzie for the reminder):
- Feb. 17, 2008: Some late-breaking tips on the book
- Just to clarify, since several students have asked: the 1-2 page summary
is part of the book essay; the whole thing is due Tuesday.
It is worth 20% of your course grade.
- The Web Option Handout
is now available on the web (I'll pass it out in class next week). However,
if you look at sections IV and
V you'll get some tips on avoiding my pet peeves and my formatting
preferences. You don't have to do these now, but I appreciate
them nonetheless. In any case, §5
and §6 on the blue book essay assignment handout are more important.
(Be sure to number the pages, by hand if necessary, and turn in your prospectus
as well.)
- Feb. 28, 2008:
statements were the biggest problem on the papers. If you're unclear on
the concept (as I noted in my comments on your paper), please refer to
this 1-page printable handout from my favorite guide to writing in history,
Mary Lynn Rampolla, A Pocket Guide to Writing in History (Boston:
Bedford/St. Martin's, 5th ed. 2007), 47-49. hi-res
print version (tip: set your browser's file
> print options to landscape before printing)
- Mar. 3, 2008: A student pointed out a discrepancy
on the Web Option handout, and I'd like to take the opportunity to clarify
what tomorrow's submissions should include.
- In I.2. I say name
your file AuthorslastnameYourlastnameYear_083.doc, then give the example
MarcuseFrankl2006_083.doc. What I really want is:
- AuthorslastnameYearofPubYourlastname083.doc
if you want (and your name is short) you can also include your first initial
or whole first name. Thus the example should be:
or, to use an actual example:
- Also, I
do NOT want your electronic version e-mailed yet, but rather the
printout of the new stuff, AND the old version and reviews that I returned
to you.
In class I said that if you had marked clearly on the old printout what
you were changing, and it wasn't that much beyond what I had marked, you
do not have to print out the paper itself a second time, just the new items
II. 1-5,7 (but not the text of the essay with the tracked changes, 6.
What's important is that I can see somehow what you've changed.
- Mar. 6, 2008 [Mar 11]: Midterm Survey Results, conducted
Feb. 18-Mar. 3. The original questionnaire was on surveymonkey.com;
29/37 students had taken it when I downloaded the results on Monday, March
- Attendance: 47% always attend, 53% missed one or two
- Readings: 28% did all, 56% most, 12% some, 3% little/none
22% did them on time, 28% on time if Q, 3% random (=53%--did I miss an
- Textbook: 41% found it excellent, 56% good, 19% ok
(=116%, what's going on?)
- Anticipated grade: 72% A/A-, 28% B+/B
- Compared to other lecture classes, I learn: more 55%,
same 39%, less 6%
- What would improve lectures? slower 6%, more images
more in-depth stories 33%, more broad context 33% (is that the opposite?)
more videos 22%, more class discussion 18%
- I found my book for essay: 44% great, 41% satisfied,
16% ok
I picked it from: 52% prof's list, 24% amazon, 12% library, 12% prof's
- comments: please put in e-mail when you send e-mail your web option
- Biggest gripe? (27 responses):
- classroom: 7 (Why, specifically? What can we change?)
arrange tables facing front; use chairs with desks around walls
- too much analysis and theory: 5
- e-mailing of Questions: 3
- too little discussion: 2; too much discussion: 2
- more focus on readings: 2
- Best Features:
- Qs/no midterm: 6 (1: Qs detract from enjoying reading)
- guest speakers/outside events, images/video, readings, lecture style
- Oct. 28, 2009: In case students registered for the Winter 2010
offering of this course come to this site, I want to emphasize that we
will be using a different textbook (namely Ronnie Landau, The Nazi Holocaust;
at amazon), and have different secondary readings (although I again
want to use Maus).
- Dec. 23, 2009: See books, below for the
Winter 2010 course books (you can save a good bit by ordering them
online before the course starts, BUT TAKE NOTE: you will need the textbook
and the Fritzsche book during the first week of classes.
- Jan. 5, 2010: The W'10 133D syllabus
is now available (also as pdf).
- Enrollment logjam: There are NO spaces available, and the room
and my grading capacity are full and overloaded, respectively. However,
I have asked the dept. chair about expanding the course. Don't get your
hopes up though.
- If any spaces open up, the following 10 (+2) students may participate
in a lottery (roughly chronological order):
[removed 3/2/2015]
- Jan. 8, 2010, 1pm: I just heard that we now have a new, larger
classroom: Bren 1414. We will meet there starting Tuesday, Jan.
12. That MAY mean that I can admit more students, but I am trying to
find out whether I can find someone to help me do grading for the course.
SO: check back here for updates.
- Jan. 10, 2010, Sunday 3pm: I sent the following message out
over GauchoSpace
- Our classroom has been changed to Bren 1414, on the far side
of campus towards Goleta Beach. You'll find it in square E5 of this map:
We will meet there starting THIS TUESDAY, 1/12.
This is a 100 seat room, so we will have room for the students trying to
crash. I will send an email to those who were on the priority list during
the first class meeting.
- Also, the anonymous intro surveyI mentioned in class is ready.
Please take it asap, by Tuesday at noon preferably. There are 5 questions,
plus an optional comment box. I really appreciate your participation in
this.It is VERY simple. The URL is:
- Finally, a student said that the textbook (Landau) is sold out
in the campus bookstore. There are a number of new and used ones available
online. I could also put in a group order on amazon, where I get free 2-day
shipping. The price
there is about $13. If you are interested in having me order one for
you, email me by Monday at 4pm and there is a chance I'll have them
by Thursday's class.
- Jan. 13, 2010: Here are the pdfs of the last 2 lectures:
2: Defining Genocide;
3: Namibian Genocide.
Note that I don't always get to all slides. I tend to overprepare, but
am including the additional slides here anyway.
- Also, I just sent the following email out via GauchoSpace:
I have just received 2 copies of the course textbook (Landau,
The Nazi Holocaust) from the publisher. These are in addition to the 9
I ordered, which, as I said in class, are expected to be delivered between
1/21 and 1/27.
I can do 3 things:
1. Sell them to the first people who asked me to order them one;
2. Sell them to two people chosen from among all those who asked, at random,
or because they have some priority reason that makes getting a copy from
the library reserve room difficult for them
3. put them on reserve in the library for everyone
I'll ask in class whether there is general sentiment for option
3; those on the list should know their position--if you are at the top
and feel it is ok to wait, or if you're not at the top but could really
use the textbook this week, let me know.
- Also, there are 3 copies of the textbook available
for checkout in the SB public library system. One is in Goleta on Fairview,
the others can be ordered "ILL" for $.50 and come within a few
days. All you need for a library card is proof of a local address (driver's
license or utility bill, bank statement, etc). See info at: http://www.blackgold.org/polaris/search/default.aspx
- Next, the add codes have arrived, and I'll have them
in class on Thu. Not sure I can get there early, as I have a meeting beforehand,
but I'll try.
- Finally, midterm Q1 on GauchoSpace will be
due next Tuesday. I've waited because not everyone can get on
GSp yet. I want to base it on the Fritzsche book, and will ask about its
availability in class tomorrow.
- Jan. 17, 2010: Q1, due Tuesday 1/19, by 3:30
I've created the assignment on GauchoSpace.
Here is the text you'll find there:
In chapter 3, Landau outlines numerous sources/conditions/causes/reasons
for the existence and evolution of antisemitism in 19th & early 20th
century Europe.
In 5 numbered bullet points, briefly describe five of those factors.
Then, based on chapter 4, add two bullet points on why Nazism became successful
after World War I.
NOTE: Please type these in a word processor, copy and paste them into this
assignment, AND ALSO bring a printout to class for discussion.
- Jan. 19, 2010: Q2, due Thursday 1/21, by 3:30 (Fritzsche)
- Below I've pasted in the text of Q2, due this Thursday before class
starts. You should bring your notes--a hard copy of what you upload--to
class as well. I will call on students to read your selection aloud.
- While you're reading and making your selection, please note also what
evidence Fritzsche musters to make his point, and be prepared to present
that in class.
- I realize some of you are having difficulty getting the book.
In addition to the copy in the reserve room, I have been able to get two
additional copies. Since I doubt the library can make them available
in a timely way, I'll loan them out tomorrow during my office hours. Students
will get priority if they can show that they'll be able to share their
loaner with at least one other student--let me know by email, and come
by HSSB 4222 between 1 & 2pm to pick up the book.
- Here's Q2, as posted
on Gauchospace:
- In Fritzsche, Germans into Nazis, chapter 1 ("July 1914,"
pages 9-82), for each of the subsections
p. 29, August Days
p. 36 Everybody's War
p. 51 Peace of the Fortress
p. 66 The Turnip Winter
give a quotation that states the author's main point (thesis) for that
section. Please include a page number, and in addition to uploading here,
bring a hard copy to class.
- For example, for the preceding section, I might select:
p. 28: "Over the
course of four wartime winters, Germans would mobilize their energies,
vitalize public life, and rearrange their political conceptions around
the nation rather than the state or the monarchy."
Of course, other quotations are possible. Further down on that page:
"During this public
emergency traditional allegiances to the monarchy withered while new conceptions
of the national community ... proliferated."
(I'd say that one is not as good as the first, but still acceptable.)
- Jan. 23, 2010: the library reserve room now has the second
copy of Fritzsche: DD238 .F74 1998
- Q3 is due Tuesday, Jan. 26. Here is the text:
Write three short
paragraphs, in each one summarizing the main argument that Fritzsche puts
forth in each of the three chapters (on Nov. 1918, January 1933 and May
There is an upload space for it on Gauchospace.
Please remember: do not include your name or any other header, and if you
see a lot of formatting codes when you paste in your text, delete it before
hitting "submit."
- The book proposal guidelines
handout is available (.doc file for self-printing), but I didn't
have time to add more books to the Books
for Essay page yet. I hope to get to that Sunday evening.
The proposal itself is due on Thursday.
- A web page with the Introductory
Survey Results is now available
- Jan. 26, 2010: I've updated the 2010
Books for Essay page. See the Book
Proposal handout.
- Textbook order. As of Jan. 25, amazon (phone info) says the
supplier hasn't supplied the textbooks as promised yet, they have no idea
when. I'll ask in class & probably cancel the order.
Addendum, Jan. 28: I have cancelled the entire order.
- Jan. 31, 2010: Some more genocide books added to the Books
for Essay page.
Proposals are graded; if there were problems, I've posted comments on Gauchospace.
- Feb. 3, 2010: Please don't forget the film showing this evening,
6:30-9:45 in Phelps 1160.
- Be sure to keep up with the reading, by tomorrow's class, you
should have read the Landau textbook up to p. 148 , as well as appendices
C, D, and E.
- Also, I've posted pdfs of L8: Hitler
and L9: 1930s. More coming soon.
- Feb. 7, 2010: Guest lecture on Tuesday, 2/9
The guest lecture I mentioned in class, about the 1995 genocide in Bosnia,
will indeed happen. I'll paste in the announcement text below.
Please visit the History
Dept. Event page for some links to read in preparation, including the
of a 2006 interview with the speaker, and some video
clips of the author.
This event is open to the public, so feel free to notify and bring friends.
Under the U.N. Flag: The International Community and the Genocide
in Srebrenica
lecture by Hasan Nuhanovic (UN translator, survivor and author), Bren
1414, 3:30-4:45pm
Hasan Nuhanovic is visiting California for a lecture in the UCLA Human
Rights Colloquium Series and joins us at UCSB to give a talk on the events
surrounding the fall and genocide of the town of Srebrenica in eastern
Bosnia in July 1995. Nuhanovic is a Bosnian Muslim who worked as a translator
for the United Nations. As such he worked very closely with the Dutch Battalion
(DutchBat3) tasked with protecting the unarmed population of Srebrenica.
His mother, father and brother were all killed in the genocide after the
Dutch Battalion refused to grant them, or any other civilians refuge within
the UN compound, as mass executions by the Serbian forces were taking place.
Mr. Nuhanovic's book, Under the U.N. Flag: The International Community
and the Genocide in Srebrenica (2007) offers the first publicly available
account of the terror and inhumanity experienced by those seeking sanctuary
from genocide who placed their lives and their trust in the hands of the
peacekeepers. Unarmed, starved and deprived of basic human needs the people
of the 'safe haven' of Srebrenica placed their complete reliance on the
promise of protection by the United Nations. This book is compiled from
firsthand experience of the events by Hasan Nuhanovic as well as other
survivors of the genocide. It provides a detailed chronology covering the
days leading up to the notorious days in July 1995 when the genocide of
Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica began and the subsequent period during which
the world media continued to propagate the message that nothing sinister
was going on: it took the best part of six years before genocide was officially
deemed to have taken place in 2001. This unique account is both an exhilarating
read and a major work of historical reference. (amazon.uk