1 | David Adler "The Survivors' Burden" (We Remember the Holocaust)
| 1 |
2 | LA Times, Mar. 14, 1999: Sierra Leone Rebels on Rampage
| 4 |
3 | E. Alexander, "What the Holocaust does Not Teach" (Commentary 1993)
| 6 |
4 | Statistics, Graph of German Elections, 1878-1933 (Kirk, Marcuse)
| 11 |
5 | Christian Antisemitism and the Holocaust (Landau, Studying, 26f)
| 12 |
6 | German Antisemitism (1883-1919) (Landau, Studying, 51-57)
| 14 |
7 | Jewish Population Statistics for Germany (1933) (Kirk, Longman Comp.)
| 18 |
8 | Erna Tietz Remembers the 1930s (Owings, Frauen, 265-83)
| 19 |
9 | Racist Women on the Web (SPLC 1999)
| 28 |
10 | The 1941 "Euthanasia" Film I accuse (Burleigh, Racial State, 156-63)
| 30 |
11 | G. Markle on Doctors, Eugenics and the Holocaust (Meditations, 108-27)
| 34 |
12 | Alfons Heck, An Incident in 1944 (Child of Hitler, 116-19)
| 44 |
13 | Other Victims: Handicapped, Jehovah's Witnesses (Images, 22-5, 30-3)
| 47 |
14 | Other Victims: Gypsies (Landau, Studying, 106f)
| 51 |
15 | Tables of Concentration Camps (Feig, Kirk)
| 52 |
16 | Map of Concentration and Extermination Camps (A.Mayer, Marcuse)
| 53 |
17 | Yevgeny Yevtushenko, poem "Babi Yar" (1961) (Images, 554f)
| 54 |
18 | Markle on Obedience to Authority (Meditations, 42-61)
| 55 |
19 | Lucy Dawidowicz "Visualizing the Warsaw Ghetto" (Essays, 1992, 145ff)
| 65 |
20 | Map and Text about Sobibor (Blatt, Rashke)
| 72 |
21 | Calel Perechodnik, Am I a Murderer? (ix-xii, 37-49, 240f)
| 76 |
22 | C. Rumkowski's Call to Give up the Children (1942) (Lodz Ghetto, 150ff)
| 89 |
23 | A. Rosenfeld, "The Anne Frank We Remember" (Dimensions 1989, 9-13)
| 91 |
24 | Comparison of 5 versions of Anne Frank's Diary (Marcuse)
| 96 |
25 | Henri van Praag, "The Diary as Drama" (Steenmeijer 1971, 36-45)
| 97 |
26 | The White Rose: Leaflets 4-6 (1943) (Inge Scholl, 85-93)
| 102 |
27 | Nina Morecki's Letter, with two maps (Nina; USHMM 62f)
| 107 |
28 | Sobibor Survivor Esther Confronts a Former Guard (Rashke)
| 121 |
29 | Ursula Duba, "A Slice of Bread" (Tales of a Child, 8-11)
| 125 |
30 | Genocide in East Timor, summary (Landau, Studying, 115f)
| 127 |
| Provisional Schedule of Lectures and Readings
| back |