1David Adler "The Survivors' Burden" (We Remember the Holocaust) 1
2LA Times, Mar. 14, 1999: Sierra Leone Rebels on Rampage 4
3E. Alexander, "What the Holocaust does Not Teach" (Commentary 1993) 6
4Statistics, Graph of German Elections, 1878-1933 (Kirk, Marcuse) 11
5Christian Antisemitism and the Holocaust (Landau, Studying, 26f) 12
6German Antisemitism (1883-1919) (Landau, Studying, 51-57) 14
7Jewish Population Statistics for Germany (1933) (Kirk, Longman Comp.) 18
8Erna Tietz Remembers the 1930s (Owings, Frauen, 265-83) 19
9Racist Women on the Web (SPLC 1999) 28
10 The 1941 "Euthanasia" Film I accuse (Burleigh, Racial State, 156-63) 30
11 G. Markle on Doctors, Eugenics and the Holocaust (Meditations, 108-27) 34
12 Alfons Heck, An Incident in 1944 (Child of Hitler, 116-19) 44
13 Other Victims: Handicapped, Jehovah's Witnesses (Images, 22-5, 30-3) 47
14 Other Victims: Gypsies (Landau, Studying, 106f) 51
15 Tables of Concentration Camps (Feig, Kirk) 52
16 Map of Concentration and Extermination Camps (A.Mayer, Marcuse) 53
17 Yevgeny Yevtushenko, poem "Babi Yar" (1961) (Images, 554f) 54
18 Markle on Obedience to Authority (Meditations, 42-61) 55
19 Lucy Dawidowicz "Visualizing the Warsaw Ghetto" (Essays, 1992, 145ff) 65
20 Map and Text about Sobibor (Blatt, Rashke) 72
21 Calel Perechodnik, Am I a Murderer? (ix-xii, 37-49, 240f)  76
22 C. Rumkowski's Call to Give up the Children (1942) (Lodz Ghetto, 150ff) 89
23 A. Rosenfeld, "The Anne Frank We Remember" (Dimensions 1989, 9-13) 91
24 Comparison of 5 versions of Anne Frank's Diary (Marcuse) 96
25 Henri van Praag, "The Diary as Drama" (Steenmeijer 1971, 36-45) 97
26 The White Rose: Leaflets 4-6 (1943) (Inge Scholl, 85-93) 102
27 Nina Morecki's Letter, with two maps (Nina; USHMM 62f) 107
28 Sobibor Survivor Esther Confronts a Former Guard (Rashke) 121
29 Ursula Duba, "A Slice of Bread" (Tales of a Child, 8-11) 125
30 Genocide in East Timor, summary (Landau, Studying, 115f) 127
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