Proseminar on German History and the Holocaust
(homepage for UCSB Hist 133P)
Professor Marcuse
mail to:
page begun Jan. 8, 2002, updated Jan. 4, 2004
Announcements (old
announcements move to bottom)
- Jan. 4, 2004: I'll be updating this site again in March 2004 if I teach
it in Spring 2004.
- Tue, Jan. 8, 2002: still under construction! [well, I never did anything
more to it...]
- 2002 133P Syllabus
Headings on this web page and site (back to
Course Materials (back
to top)
Pages of interesting links, and web sites with
interesting content (back to top)
- Women and the Holocaust
- Women's
Sexuality in WWII Concentration Camps (oral history project at UC Berkeley)
- commented,
alphabetical list of Holocaust links (Prof. Al Filreis, English, UPenn)
- list
of Holocaust-related web sites (CSU Chico, genocide
course by S. Edelman)
- Holocaust Links page
(Joyce Meyer, Champaigne-Urbana Jewish Federation)
- Holocaust Denial
on Trial: David Irving vs. Penguin Books/Deborah Lipstadt trial (1999-2000)
- Internet Resources on Genocide
and Mass Killings from the University of the West of England: Timeline,
Documents, Glossary,
Functionaries of
the Third Reich, War
Crimes and Criminals, Genocide
and Mass Killing, The
Jewish Holocaust, World
War II Resources.
- Hypermedia
Sourcebook: "Responses to the Holocaust," by Robert Leventhal, Univ. of
Previous course materials (back
to top)
- 1997 syllabus and
paper topics
- 1999 syllabus
and samples of work (2 papers and 2 thesis
papers, 1 bibliography; topic was post-1945 German history).
- 2002 syllabus (now 2 meetings/week).
We worked hard to publish the papers on the web, in the research section of
my UCSB Holocaust Oral History Project website. In all six papers and one
"web project" (includes an annotated bibliography and a description
of an interview) are there: Kristallnacht, 1920s press on Hitler, Holocaust
and founding of Israel; Nazi nuclear bomb program, Sinti and Rom (gypsies);
Seventh Day Adventists. (link
to papers, to Anne
Frank project)
author: H. Marcuse

visitors since Jan. 8, 2002 (1st class meeting)
174 on Oct. 27, 2003
195 on Jan. 4, 2004