(back to top)
- May 25, 2005: The course is full and I am keeping
a waitlist. I have closed the enrollment on GOLD, so trying to get in
via GOLD as spaces open up will NOT work. You need to e-mail me to get
on the list. I may give some codes out in mid-June, but probably not
until classes start.
- May 12, 2005: Fall 2005 class will meet T-Th 9:30-10:45
in HSSB 4020, and W 6-9pm in Bldg 387, room 103.
The enrollment code is 51276. If a waitlist is necessary, e-mail me
and information will be posted on this page.
Note: the syllabus (2003
syllabus) and readings will change for this new offering; information
on this site should be used as a guide only!
- July 28, 2005: I'm starting a new course page; see
the Fall 2003 index page for
more info.
- July 28, 2005: I've selected the books for Fall
2005. The textbook is new this year, namely: David Engel, The
Holocaust: The Third Reich and the Jews (2000) and
Art Spiegelman's Maus (both volumes). There will
also be a reader of photocopied articles.
- Sept. 30: course reader now available
at AS copy in the UCEN (not in the library), $18.
- Aug. 8, 2005: You can do price comparisons for purchasing
all three course books together on-line at www.booksprice.com
(click on "compare all in my cart" at bottom). If you find
this service useful, please let
me know by e-mail, otherwise I'll discontinue offering the link.
- Aug. 8, 2005: Several special events have already
been scheduled--some outside of the Wed. 6-9pm time slot usually reserved
from them. Please make a note of:
- Deborah Lipstadt, a noted expert on Holocaust
denial, will be in Santa Barbara on Tuesday Sept. 27,
for an honorary
luncheon at the Four Seasons/Biltmore ($162 admission...). I'm
going to see whether she might be available for a public lecture
as well. [was not possible]
- Sept. 29: Israeli film "Walk on
Water" (2004, 103 mins.) at 7:30pm, Campbell Hall.
See imdb Walk
on Water page for more info (see especially the discussion
threads). (blurb
in Arts & Lectures fall film program)
- Field trip to LA on Oct. 16, 8:00am depart, 6pm
return at UCSB.
- Nov. 30: Prof. Laurence Baron, SDSU, will lecture
on a theme from his book Projecting the Holocaust into the Present:
The Changing Focus of Holocaust Feature Films Since 1990 (2005)(publisher's
book page; $30
at amazon)
- Sept. 28, 2005: I've update the website with the
2005 syllabus, journal
& final project assignment handout, and reader
table of contents.
- Oct 3, 2005: L2-3
outline (Hitler) now available (some links to materials on my Portrayals
of Hitler page may not work yet--it is still under construction)
- warm-up assignment for L4 (Tue, 10/4): apply EIEIO model to the
causes offered by Engel in chaps. 3 & 4
- remember to be reading Maus--we'll begin the discussion
this Thursday
- Film Wed. 10/5, 6:30-8:30pm: Escape from Sobibor. This
is a riviting film about resistance in the extermination camps.
(see the imdb
plot summary)
- Oct 6, 2005: For next Tuesday, Oct 11:
Journal entries 1 & 2 due; midterm question 1 (on Maus--see
syllabus if you don't know what
the "Qs" are). We will begin class with a discussion of Maus,
so please bring your books and see the Maus
resources page.
I will post a preliminary version of the Camp system lecture on Friday
noontime, and update it next Monday. [10/9: sorry, life intervened,
will post Monday]
Finally, from now on all Wed. films will start at 6pm (not 6:30,
as in the syllabus).
- Oct 11, 2005: I have uploaded an unfinished
page for the concentration camps lectures.
- Oct. 13, 2005: if you missed class today, you should
e-mail me a list of topics that would interest you
for the final project. On Tuesday we will be forming provisional groups.
- Oct. 13, 2005: Field trip--meet Sunday at
8am at the UCSB bus loop (near Kerr Hall & old gym).
- Oct 19, 2005: Q2 on Thursday, be sure to read the
Friedländer text in the reader (R4). Also bring a list of some
topics you're interested in writing about for the final project.
(Sorry I'm so far behind with putting the lecture notes on the web site.
I'll try to catch up over this coming weekend.)
- Oct 24, 2005: Earn $100 for photocopies of
your lecture notes! The disabled students office (1201 SAASB)
will pay that amount to a student who provides timely photocopies of
their notes. Stop by their office to complete an application asap! (Nov.
8: still available!!)
- Oct 26, 2005: on Thursday, 10/27:
- journals are due. You should have about 4 entries by now
- we will have midterm Question 3 (focus on Rumkowski, Perechodnik,
and Markle pp. 45-52 (essays 7-9 in the reader).
- Be sure to read nos. 7-10 in the reader
- Oct. 27, 2005: The Milgram film will be available
in the language lab in Kerr Hall (2nd floor), from around noon today
(Thursday) until sometime next week.
- Oct. 28, 2005: Lecture notes for L9 & 10: Victims
and Perpetrators, available.
- Nov. 2, 2005: Q4 on Thursday--be sure to read ALL
of the Anne Frank texts and essays in the Reader (R11-R15). Think about
what Otto Frank said & did, and what was happening in Oct/Nov. 1942.
Be prepared (with questions and issues) to discuss those essays.
- The movie tonight will begin at 5:50pm
sharp and end at 9pm. If you don't want
to miss the beginning, you'll have to come a little early.
- Nov. 10, 2005: The two webpages I recommend for guidelines
about evaluating web sites are:
- UC Berkeley library: Evaluating
Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask (detailed
how-to guidelines and explanations)
- New Mexico State library's "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly:
or, Why It's a Good Idea to Evaluate Web Sources" page has
5 Evaluation
Criteria (checklist with brief rationale).
- I encourage
to attend the Monday, Nov. 14, 4pm talk by Ika
Hügel-Marshall: "Invisible Woman: Growing Up
Black in Germany," followed by a discussion. 1001 Life Sciences
Building (on the UCen road beyond the Psych building, next to Lot
Ika Hügel-Marshall's
translator, Dagmar Schultz, is also the co-producer of a 28-minute
film, "Hope in my heart: The May Ayim Story", which is
a documentary on the life and untimely death of Afro-German poet
May Ayim. The film will be screened following Ika Hügel-Marshall's
lecture. Dagmar Schultz will introduce the film and be available
for the discussion afterwards.
- Nov. 10, 05: I've only just started the Anne
Frank lecture notes, but some of the images will be available starting
Thursday evening. 9pm: done.
- Revised final project deadlines:
Draft projects due Thursday, Nov. 17
(will return on Tues, 11/22)
Final versions due Tuesday, Nov. 29.
- Nov. 17, 2005: Those who were in class and at the
movie know of these scheduling changes, so let me finally make them
- Complete final project drafts are due Thursday, 11/17.
- I will not be able to hold office hours on Monday or Tuesday,
or return the commented drafts until after Thanksgiving break. (However,
I will be at my office hours on Wed., 11/23, 1-2pm.)
- On Tuesday, 11/22, we will not have a lecture, but there will
be an opportunity for you to meet with your group in class to finalize
and resubmit your proposal--either during class time (to my TA),
or by e-mail before Wed. at 2pm, or in person at my office hours
on Wednesday, 11/23, 1-2pm. (Slip it under my office door if you
come earlier.)
- I will return these drafts on Tuesday, 11/29, in class, noting
whether the project will qualify you for the oral final exam option.
- Tuesday, 11/29: Journals 7 & 8 due.
- Wednesday, 11/30, 7pm, HSSB 4020: Prof. L. Baron,
"Holocaust Comedy Films"
Possiblity of "take-home" Q5: write an additional brief
journal article on Prof. Baron's talk.
- Thursday, 12/1: Final version of final projects
- Dec. 3, 2005: Long time no updates, sorry.
- Final Exam, and Web
Details handout now available.
- Oral finals schedule is as follows:
Mon. 10-11: Holly, Rachel, Alex, Justin (Church resistance)
Mon 11-11:30: open
Mon 11:30-noon: Danielle (children of Nazis)
Mon noon-1: David, Stephanie (Eichmann + trial)
Mon 1-2: open
Tue 11-12:30: Kristine, Ruth, Diane, Gabriel, Mark (Jewish survival)
Tue 12:30-2: open
Wed. 8:30-9:30: Melissa, Daniella, Melanie, Claire (Uganda)
Wed. 10-10:30: Denise, Sara, Lindsey (Cambodia)
Wed. 10:30-11:30: Rosie Nicole, Amber (Women in resistance)
note: the
preceding group may run longer, so I'm leaving a buffer afterwards,
or if you
contact me, we can just make it 11-noon instead.
Wed noon-12:30: Jenn, Megan (analogies)
Wed. 12:30-1: Jodi (medical trials)
Wed. 1-2: open
- NOTE: On the web
project handout in timeline number 4 I ask for BOTH the commented
draft of your project that I returned to you, AND an electronic
.doc or .rtf version of the final corrected draft.
Please bring these to your oral final appointment.
- Dec. 6, 2005: New projects being added to projects
index page: Christian
resistance, Children
of Nazis, Eichmann, Jewish