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- Classes this week were based on the five essays in the reader (contents,
nos. 11-15):
- exerpts from the published diary ("version c"), Oct. 3
- Dec. 10, 1942
- selection from the "Critical edition" (versions a, b,
c), Oct. 3 - Oct. 15/20, 1942
- selection from the 1998 biography by Melissa Müller
- we also viewed the complete 3-hour ABC video biography based
on Müller's book, "Anne Frank: The Whole Story"
- essay by Alvin Rosenfeld, "The Anne Frank We Remember"
- article by Kristallnacht-survivor Bruno Bettelheim about the Franks'
lack of "resistance" (1960) and letter
- The theme of the lectures was the connection between individual actions
and collective effects, and the inverse: the individual consequences
of collective actions.
- The lectures had 5 parts:
- Theories of individual morality and how the moral behaviors of
social groups aggregates to produce certain outcomes (Kohlberg/Habermas,
and my own "see-saw model")
- Anne Frank the person vs. Anne Frank the abstract, representative
- Contextualizing Anne Frank's story (the groups odyssey through
Europe, 1934-1945)
- Examination of the various versions of the diary and how they
- Discussion of readings and specific questions (like: who betrayed
the Franks and their friends?).