UCSB Hist 33D, Fall 2003
The Holocaust: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Prof. Marcuse
HSSB 4221, 893-2635

Hist 33D: Final Project Handout -- Update (12/2/03)
(pdf version for printing--without links)

Final Scheduling


Project Elements

  1. Introductory text for homepage : narrative introduction describing briefly the authors and situation in which your project was created (including the date), sources of your information, thesis statement(s), and description of content of rest of site. This text should look like an annotation someone else might write about your site. A sample text might read:
  2. The content of this page about denial of the Holocaust was created in November 2003 by four students at UCSB in an introductory lecture course on the Nazi Holocaust (link to course homepage).
  3. Content pages, each with a sentence or two at the beginning saying something about the author and sources used.
  4. Sources section on the main page, content pages or as separate page. This would be the more detailed book reviews, or the annotated bibliography and/or linkographies. They might start with a short narrative about how you found the books and/or websites, and why you selected those from among the different possibilities.
    Each source should have full publication information (for web sites, too: note the author, institution/place of publication, and creation or update dates, or their absence). With few exceptions, each source should have its own annotation: a short description and your assessment (perhaps also relative to other sources).
    If you have done in-depth reviews of books, or have found the text of other reviews, these texts may link to other pages.
  5. An authors page with more detailed information about each project member and perhaps a more personal description/assessment of your research process and what it meant to you.

Note: you will NOT be graded on site design. Individuals who did not work with groups may combine these separate elements into a single page, which should be separated by horizontal rules.
[next time I do this assignment: PROOFREADING will count substantially!]

Design Guidelines (back to top) (Yale Web Style Guide -- imho the best resource on this)

  1. Keep it simple . Stick with basic, "vanilla" site design for now. Content is more important than form--do not add background images or design elements until your content is optimal. If you wish to use more sophisticated design elements (CSS, Flash), create a basic (text+simple images only) version of your site first. Pages should be designed to project and print well (no dark backgrounds!).
  2. Font styles. Try to stick with Times font for now, 12pt for narrative text. Use underlining ONLY for links. Book or film titles should be in italics. Use bold to highlight theses or key points. Project homepage and page titles in bold, with modestly larger fonts, for example14pt for subheadings, 16pt for top-level headings. (size=4 and size=5 in html)
    Do not use all caps in headings. Extra emphasis in the text can be in bold italics.
  3. Links. Use the default blue, underlined font always. I prefer NOT to have words in the narrative text as links, but to separate them in parentheses at the end of the phrase or sentence, e.g. (link to Yale web style guide). Use the term "link" to go to other pages, "jump" to go to a different place on the same page (jump up to introductory text).
  4. Special Characters. In general, avoid them as much as possible. Try to use "straight quotes" instead of "smart quotes" (uncheck the box in Tools – Autocorrect – Autoformat).
  5. Images and tables. You can use images to illustrate your pages, but use only images that are relevant to your topic. In general, images should be in a two-row table that includes a caption explaining what it is and where you got it. All images must link to the source, or indicate where you obtained them (an attribution with page number for books). Images should be kept in a separate folder within your site folder. They should be formatted for the web, meaning that images included in a text page should be smaller than 100K and not larger than 200 pixels wide for thumbnails (or 600 pixels wide for important images on separate pages). Images should have alternate text.
  6. Printable pages. Your pages should also print well and be viewable on 15" monitors, so don't make images or tables wider than about 600-650 pixels. Also, avoid using background images and light-colored fonts.
  7. Navigation bar. Insert a one-row table with 5-7 cells linking back up to the course page, the course projects page, your group's main page, its content pages, and its author pages. This table should be inserted at the bottom of all of your project pages:

UCSB Hist 33D course homepage

Hist 33D web projects index page

Holocaust Denial project page

Denial in France;
Protocols of the Elders of Zion; David Irving

images and bibliography pages

about the authors of the Denial project pages

Note: The UCSB English Department's Transcriptions Project offers additional resources:
website evaluation checklist (citation, content, form); other student project assignments;
Prof. Alan Liu's English 25: technology guides with uploading/downloading basics,
text created 12/2/03 by H. Marcuse; prepared for web and uploaded 12/14/03
back to top; to Hist 33d final projects index page; to Hist 33d homepage