4C/Marcuse, L3 overlay


Music: L. Bernstein/Hellman, Candide Overture (1956)

What is the role of ideas in historical change?

  1. Enlightenment (textbook pp. 586f)
  2. Announcements: 4 (and: about the professor)
    Video clip: 3 mins. from "Jefferson in Paris"
  3. Voltaire
    • 1694: born; 1717 "kick"
    • 1726: Baron de RohanEngland
    • 1734: Emilie du Chatelet (1706-1749)
    • 1749: Potsdam, Frederick II of Prussia
      "Ecrasez l'infame!" (wipe out infamy!)
    • 1756: History; 1758: Candide
    • 1778: back to Paris; died