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- "... the many individuals in the Third Reich who stood by as Jewish businesses were ram sacked ..." (3/2020). The Jews weren't sheep, but the Nazis did behave like rams!
- "Hans Frank created the ever-so-popular myth that Hitler was a descendant of a Jew, who had philanthropies with his grandmother in 1836." (2/2008)[That was one Jewish charitable gift that later backfired.]
- "How could Germany, a modern industrialized nation, resort to
such barbarism and wonton destruction in the 20th century?" (5/2010)[Easy:
they really hated Chinese takeout!]
- "Schleicher and Hindenburg were worried that Papen would use his power to reform the constitution and make Germany an authoritative state." [at
least it would know what it was doing]
- "The German people used the Versailles Treaty as an escape goat all throughout the 1920s." [from a German student whose English was pretty good, but obviously not perfect]
- "Roehm was a captain in the Barbarian army who patronized Hitler."
(6/2010) [I knew the Bavarians were bad, but were they really so
bad as to humor little Adolf?]
- "As a result of hyperinflation the Reichsmack crashed." (3/2000) [Thus: never overinflate your truck's tires. I wonder whether it hit any of those people pushing wheelbarrows of money?]
- "The essay argues that women in Germany had a bad wrap from the get-go." [Actually, they only had bad wrap after Christo used up all the good stuff on the Reichstag in 1995]
- "Women protested the arrest of their local priest by threatening
to refuse work and bare children for the fatherland." [oh, those
patriotic pedophiles--put diapers on them!]
- "Laws were passed to sterilize unfit members of society to prevent them from breading into mainstream German populations." [no wonder German bread is so good]
- "Tubal litigation for women and vasectomy for men were the common procedures." [I wonder whether women got it done in court?]
- "The Nuremberg Laws included no sexual intercourse between Germans or Jews." [So without cloning, the master race would have died out.]
- "On November 10-11, 1938 the Nazis burned down Jewish synegogs, luted Jewish stores, and shattered store fronts." (3/2012)[And they say that Nero fiddled while Rome burned]
- On the investigation of crimes committed by psychiatrists: "Alexander interviewed many individuals and poured over many German institutes, like the German Institute for Psychiatry ... ." (3/2012). [There was a lot to cry about in their records, but it wasn't spilled milk.]
- On Holocaust historian Herbert Steinhouse's analysis of the historical accuracy of the film Schindler's List: "Since Steinhouse's mother was a causality of the Nazi regime, he found little comfort or truth in a 'good German tale'." (3/2000) [Wow, did she boost Hitler to power single-handedly?] Or was it spell check gone wild?--Another:
- "In the Nuremberg Trials the top Nazi officials responsible for 6 million Jewish causalities are put to death or imprisoned." [Oh the poor Nazis--Jews were still causing problems for them.]
- "During and after the war the Germans were considered a plight
on humanity." [And I always thought that the plight of Jews under
German occupation was bad.]
- "Hitler was a war-mongrel who was also a racist and known for starting World War II and the Holocaust." [Imagine if Hitler had been a pure-bred pitbull!]
- "As the Nazis launched their champagne against the Jews, there were those who helped the Jews escape prosecution." (5/04) [Nothing like a little alcohol to distract a lawyer.]
- Both Hans and Sophie Scholl were not phased by death They felt death was just another phase in life." [It is important to do a life-cycle analysis when deciding whether to resist]
- "Hans Frank ... created the ever-so-popular myth that Hitler was a descendant of a Jew, who had philanthropies with his grandmother in 1836." (2/08)[charitable chap, old granddad]
- "One story in Hans Frank's death row memoir is the popular myth that Hitler was a descendant of a Jew, who had sex escapades with his grandmother in 1836." (3/08)[as if there weren't enough Aryan Brunhildes around for Jews to seduce]
- "The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in
this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in
this century." Vice President Dan Quayle, 9/15/88 [ok, he wasn't my student, but this was too good to leave out]
- "While the [Farm Hall] transcripts of captured German scientists should be read with some level of weariness, their conversations reveal no plot on their part to conceal information." (3/14) [Just a bunch of boring scientists talking geek-speak]
- "The Holocaust is also unique, because it targeted individuals who truly believed they were citizens of the lands they inhibited." (3/14)[and if they hadn't been so inhibiting they wouldn't have been persecuted]