Old Announcements
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- June 5, 2005: I'm just starting this website as I
draft the syllabus, so NOTHING is FINAL yet.
- Meeting time & Location: Thursdays
2-3, HSSB 4041.
- This seminar will be coordinated somewhat with my Hist 33d lecture
course on the Holocaust (esp. the trip to Los Angeles and the evening film
screenings). For maximum learning, you may consider enrolling in that course
as well (T-Th 9:30-11, W 6-9pm).
Since it is already full, you will need to contact me and I will place
you on the waiting list.
- Each week we will have short readings and small "research project"
homework. I am planning to pool all of this work on a "Hitler reception"
website. For more details on this, see the "research
topics" section, below.
- July 7, 2005: See the UCSB
freshman seminar announcement of this course.
- The field trip to LA (Museum of Tolerance and LA Museum of the Holocaust)
will be on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2005.
- Sept. 8, 2005: One product of this seminar will be
a "Hitler in History"
website that will include primary sources and their interpretations. I've
started making the homepage already.
- Dec. 21 , 2006: See also my "Hitler
in History" website, whichl includes primary sources and a bibliography
of books about Hitler.

- Dec. 21, 2006: For Spring 2007 there will be one required
book: Thomas Fuchs's A Concise Biography of Adolf Hitler (New
York: Berkley Books, 2000), $3
used, $8 new on amazon. (it will also be available at the UCen)
- Dec. 22, 2006: The Spring 2007 seminar will meet Tuesdays,
1:00- 1:50pm, HSSB 3201. The enrollment code is 50237.
- Jan. 4, 2007: Spring 07 course description (registrar's
Representing Hitler,
Who was Adolf Hitler, and why do we see him the ways that we do? Was he
a madman, a genius? Can we picture him as a "normal" person?
Was he part Jewish? Homosexual? And in any case, does any of this matter?
We will investigate these questions and look back in films and texts to
see how Hitler has been portrayed since the mid-1920s.
- Feb. 4, 2007: The Spring 2007 seminar will meet Tuesdays,
1-1:50, in HSSB 3201.
- Apr. 8, 2007: Those students who e-mailed me have
received codes. We are very full at 24 students, but we'll make it work.
The 2007 syllabus is now available online.
- May17, 2007: On May 21 we will have the following
- Hitler's sexuality (Amanda G., Amanda W., Rachel, Edith)
- Hitler as an artist (Morgan, Marc, Robby, Tricia)
- Hitler and the A-bomb (Lauren, Brett, Giselle)
- May 23, 2007: On June 5 Prof. Ursula Mahlendorf will
speak to our class about her memoir about growing up in Hitler's Germany.
Be sure to read at least Chap.
4 about her time in the Hitler Youth, 1940-42, and Chap.
8, about the end of the war, in which she describes how she learned
about Hitler's death/suicide, and how it affected her. Please start reading
these this week, so we can begin discussion on May 29 and formulate questions
we want to ask her.
- On May 29 we will also have the following presentations:
- Hitler's Health (Robert, Riccardo, Clayton, Bebe)
- Hitler and the euthanasia program (Andrew, Brittany, Maris, Allison)
- Jan. 24, 2008: The UCSB
Int94il website is now available, as is the list of all
Spr08 freshman seminars. The course will meet Wed., 2-3pm.
I am hoping to get a room that will allow us internet access, but for now
the class meets in HSSB 2201.
- See the 2007 Int94il syllabus for
an idea of what we will do.
- For Spring 2008 there will be one required book: Thomas
Fuchs's A Concise Biography of Adolf Hitler (New York: Berkley
Books, 2000), $5
used, $8 new on amazon. (it will also be available at the UCen bookstore)
- Feb. 15, 2008: I've asked that the enrollment be closed
on GOLD, and I've started a waiting list, which now has two names on it.
If you would like to be added, please send me an e-mail.
- May 4, 2008: This is a reminder that we've rescheduled
the 1940 Chaplin film *The Great Dictator* from this Monday to two weeks
later: It will be on Monday, May 19, at 6:30pm in HSSB 4041 (same room
as last time).
- Last week we finally got some discussion going. For this Wednesday,
please think up some questions you're interested in talking about.
- April 5, 2008: I sent this e-mail to the class today:

One of you noticed
that the book wasn't available at the campus bookstore. I just checked,
and indeed the staff member never placed my order. You can get a used copy
on amazon
for pretty cheap (even after postage), and/or we can place a group order
on Wednesday, so shipping prices won't play a role.
I'll try to scan the first chapters and have a pdf available soon.
Sorry for the mix-up.
Prof. Marcuse
- May 29, 2008: Yesterday I completely forgot that I
wanted to announce that a very unique Holocaust survivor will be speaking
in one of my other classes in Campbell Hall today (Thursday, 5/29), at
12:30. I wasn't able to find a survivor who could speak to our seminar,
and this presenter wanted to speak to the larger audience.
- There was only
one uprising in a concentration camp that led to a mass escape and the
closure of a camp: the one in the Sobibor extermination center in eastern
Poland on October 14, 1943.
- About 700 prisoners
were forced to run the machinery of murder in the camp; of several hundred
who escaped that day, about 100 were able to escape the dragnet and Polish
vigilantes and survive until the end of the war in May 1945. In 1944 the
Nazis dug up the mass graves, burned the corpses that had been buried,
demolished the camp buildings, plowed the site over and planted trees there.
- Thomas Toivi Blatt,
at 15 one of the youngest survivors, moved to the US after the war, and
ultimately settled in Santa Barbara. He will be telling his story today,
and showing clips from the 1987 film made about the uprising (which is,
in my opinion, one of the very best films about the Holocaust ever made).
(It will be shown in the MCC theater tomorrow at noon.)
- For more information:
Blatt's website about the uprising: <http://www.sobibor.info/index.html>
- The Wikipedia
page about the Sobibor camp.
- Even if you can
only come for part of it (enter/exit through the doors on the far sides),
I think it will be worth your while to sit in.