photograph of snowy mountain scene mural in Dachau, taken Aug. 2000New Publication about Günther Anders
(August 2002)

Dirk Röpcke & Raimund Bahr (eds.): Geheimagent der Masseneremiten - Günther Anders
Eine Publikation des Günther Anders Forums

The title translates as "Secret Agent of the Hermits of the Masses."

With contributions by: Raimund Bahr (St. Wolfgang/Österreich), Stefan Broniowski (Baden bei Wien), Christophe David (Paris), Christian Fuchs (Wien), Konrad Paul Liessmann (Wien), Johanna Riegler (Wien), Dirk Röpcke (Vimmerby/Schweden)

Essays include discussions of parallels and differences in the thought of Günther Anders and Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse & Jean-Paul Sartre

ca. 160 pages,
ISBN 3-902157-02-X
€ 20,- (including shipping).

Ordering info at: Art & Science page, Kritische page.

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page created 8/26/02 by H. Marcuse, links fixed 12/23/03