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Central European History, 35:2(Spring 2002), p223(34)
by Robert G. Moeller

What has "coming to terms with the past" meant in post-World War II Germany?
From history to memory to the "history of memory"

Contains reviews of three books:

  • Niemand ist frei von der Geschichte: Die nationalsozialistische Herrschaft in den Debatten des Deutschen Bundestages, by Helmut Dubiel (Munich: Hanser, 1999)
  • Geschichtsvergessenheit/Geschichteversessenheit: Vom Umgang mit deutschen Vergangenheiten nach 1945," by Aleida Assmann and Ute Frevert (Stuttgart: DVA, 1999).
  • Legacies of Dachau: The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp, 1933-2001, by Harold Marcuse (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001)

text to be added when available


excerpt archived by H. Marcuse, Feb. 20, 2005;
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