UC Santa Barbara > History Department > Prof. Marcuse > Publications > Legacies of Dachau book page

View of a tour group through the Dachau gate

Legacies of Dachau:
The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp, 1933-2001

(Cambridge University Press, 2001)

by Harold Marcuse
(professor of German history at UC Santa Barbara)

Harold Marcuse homepage, Dachau Mem. Site Page

page created December 30, 2004, updated 7/15/10

Book text available on the web
Publication, award and purchasing information
Reviews of Legacies of Dachau
Cited in
My Dachau Memorial Site Page

cover of Legacies of DachauBook text on the web (back to top)

Publication and Purchasing information (back to top)

  • Legacies of Dachau: The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp, 1933-2001
    • Published by Cambridge University Press, March 2001 (5000 copies) (June in the US)
    • 2nd printing (3000 copies, with a few typos corrected), August 2001
    • 601 pages, 88 maps and illustrations.
    • paperback edition, Apr. 2008, $55 ($42.30 at amazon)(hardcover is $69 now)
  • Hans Rosenberg Prize LetterWinner of the 2003 Hans Rosenberg Book Prize of the Conference Group for Central European History, for the "best book on Central European history published in 2000 or 2001.
  • Pricing:
    • July 2010: the Legacies of Dachau page at bookase.com lists more than a dozen copies, used and new, available for under $10 including shipping.
      At this time at amazon the paperback is $60 (sales rank #2,522,994), the hardcover $77 (sales rank #968,890). Used copies for under $10 there, too.
    • US: $57 at amazon.com ($35 from resellers) [1/1/08]
             $69 at Barnes & Noble.com ($45 in 2006)
    • GERMANY: €76 from amazon.de (€39.50 in 2006) (€68 in July 2010, Verkaufsrang 208.536 among English books)
      Jan. 1, 2008 Verkaufsrang: #134.696 in English Books
    • UK: £47.50 new, £30 used from amazon.co.uk (£30.00 new, £17.00 used in 2006)
      Jan. 1, 2008 rank: 761,417 in Books (July 2010: £52.25 hardcover, £30 paper, sales rank 460,195 viz 999,787)

Reviews of Legacies of Dachau (in reverse chronological order) (back to top)

  1. in Italian by Maria Teresa Giusti in Richerche di Storia Politica (2003). (archive copy)
  2. by Robert-Jan van Pelt in The Public Historian 25:2(Spring 2003), 146-8. (archive copy)
  3. by Paul Miller in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 17:1(Spring 2003), 167-170 (archive copy)
  4. by John Conway in Shofar 21:3(Spring 2003), 185-187 (archive copy)
  5. by Norbert Frei in Journal of Contemporary History 38(Apr 2003), 333 - 343: "Before and after Nuremberg."
  6. in Dutch by Paul Schulten in Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 115(2002) (archive copy)
  7. review essay by Aviel Roshwald in European History Quarterly 32:4(Oct. 2002) (archive copy)
  8. by Richard Levy in Choice, April 2002 (archive copy)
  9. by Robert Moeller in Central European History, 35:2(Spring 2002), p223(34)(archive excpt)
  10. in German by Ludwig Eiber in Archiv für Sozialgeschichte, 42(2002) (link; archive copy)
  11. by Nicholas Stargardt in the Times Literary Supplement, Jan. 7, 2002, pp. 4f. (archive copy)
  12. by John Conway in the Association of Church Historians newsletter, Dec. 2001 (link; archive copy)
  13. by Galina Vromen in Ha'aretz, Nov. 8, 2001 (link; archive copy)
  14. by Istvan Deak in The New Republic, Nov. 5, 2001 (archive copy)
  15. by Barbara Distel in Historische Zeitschrift, 275:2(Oct. 2002)
    (see Aug. 2001 ZfG review, below)
  16. in German: in-depth discussion by Robert Probst in der Dachauer SZ, 6 Oct. 2001: "Die schwierige Beziehung der Stadt zum ehemaligen KZ / Der US-Historiker beschreibt die Gründungsmythen der Bundesrepublik und den Gedenkort Dachau" (archive copy)
  17. in German: brief review in the Dachau edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Sept. 14, 2001 (archive copy with my translation)
  18. by Tony Barta for the Australian Journal of Politics and History, 48:1(March, 2002), 138f (archive copy)
  19. by Barbara Distel in the Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, 49:8(Aug. 2001) (archive copy)
  20. by Wolfgang Benz in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, July 18, 2001 (archive copy)
  21. by K.H. Holtschneider from the Centre for Jewish-Christian Relations (Cambridge, UK), July 2001 (link; archive copy)
  22. Publisher's Weekly (archive copy)
  23. Booklist (American Library Association), by George Cohen (archive copy)

Citations: (back to top)

  • Used as a textbook in Jere Jackson's "The Holocaust" course, Fall 2001, S.F.Austin State Univ., Texas [pdf syllabus]
  • discussed on the usenet group alt.revisionism May 16-18, 2002. I discussed that posting in a Fall 2003 lecture on Holocaust denial in my Holocaust lecture course (scroll down).
  • cited in the following books (with a little help from amazon.com)
    • [coming someday]

Links (back to top)

page by Harold Marcuse

counter installed 2/20/05
with 2120 hits
(counts only 1 hit from each location each day)

2160 hits on 3/11/05=2/day
2332 on 5/12/05=2.8/day
2394 on 6/6/05=2.5/day
2529 on 8/30/05=1.6/day
2770 on 1/1/06=1.9/day
4470 on 1/1/08=2.3/day
4815 on 4/14/08=3.3/day
4911 on 5/7/08=4/day
5,367 on 1/1/2009
5,976 on 1/4/2010=1.65/day
6,509 on 1/1/11=1.48/day
amazon.com sales rank
12/20/01: 85,910
6/10/02: 78,865
8.2.02: 273,451
4/13/03: 271,988
9/15/04: 315,443
9/30/04: 314,369
10/11/04: 315,408
10/27/04: 289,142
11/13/04: 506,383
4/7/05: 414,584
12/31/05: 59,244
1/1/06: 97,558 [$45]
1/1/08: 734,885 [$58]
4/14/08: 974,206 [$69]
5/7/08: 1,130,306 hardc. [$69]
2,063,739 paper, $42.30

1/1/11: #2,469,778 paper ($60/50)
#1,361,201 hardcover ($75/5)

page created by H. Marcuse on December 30, 2004; last update: see header. still under construction
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