UCSB Hist 133C, L
Student Presentations
March 10, 2004
- Unification issues: abortion, economy, immigration [inserted into previous
- Presentations (4)
- [Q10--Friday]; exam study guide; Wed.
noon; due Thu, 11am, my office
- Course evaluations
Presentations (see index page
of student reports)
- Dina Carini on Robert Havemann's memoir Questions, Answers, Questions
- Stephanie Ables on Schumaker's book about Gorbachev & Unification, 1985-90
- Summer Sandhoff on Daphne Berdahl's book about border town Kella, 1990-92
- Carlos MagaƱa on Klaus Neumann's book about Memories in 1990s (link)
page by H. Marcuse, prepared for web March 11, 2004
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