UCSB Hist 133D, Fall 1999 Prof. Marcuse
The Holocaust in German History HSSB 4221, 893-2635
HSSB 1174, T-Th 11:00-12:15marcuse@humanitas.ucsb.edu
http://marcuse.faculty.history.ucsb.edu/133d Office hours: Tues. 1-2, Wed. 11-12

  1. For the writing assignment in this course you are required to keep a journal on a regular basis throughout the course. You will write one or two entries per week (total of 10), with each entry averaging about 450 words in length. That is about 2/3 page, single-spaced, in 12 point font.
  2. Each entry will be based on your thoughts about newspaper or magazine articles you read during that week, or readings, lectures and films for this course. You should relate the topics you discuss to the course. For articles you should include a clipping, copy, or printout. Over the entire quarter there should be a balance of about 5 entries on articles and 5 on course materials. See also a sample I made in 1998.
  3. For the entries on the course material: feel free to exercise criticism, ask questions, and raise important issues, especially if you are uncomfortable doing so in class. You will be graded on how perceptive your discussion and how convincing your argument is, not on whether you agree with me.
  4. An occasional entry may refer to a TV or radio news report, or a web site, book for another course, film or video, conversation or personal experience. Tip: Jot ideas down during lecture or whenever, and develop them later.
  5. You should use a large bluebook for this assignment. Your name should be written clearly on the front cover. (You will need two bluebooks; attach the second to the first when it is full.)
  6. Leave the first right-hand page blank of articles, to keep a handwritten running table of contents with the entry number (1-10), the date, the source (e.g. name of newspaper), and a short descriptive title. This will be used for grading purposes. Example:
    1. July 11, 1999 NY Times article about play "The Gathering."
    2. Sept. 24, 1999, thoughts about film "Jacob the Liar"
    3. Oct. 7, 1999, 133D lecture about German history
  7. In each entry you should first briefly summarize the relevant information in the article (or whatever), then write your thoughts and analysis of it, relating it to the course. You should NOT write vague opinions or make unsubstantiated claims. (For example: I liked the article because it discussed an important issue. I didn't like this editorial because of its liberal slant. This film was interesting because it showed how important the Holocaust is.)
  8. Rather, you should explain your opinion, giving clear reasons and pertinent evidence. (If you are unclear on this, see the professor's example on the course web site.)
  9. When submitted, these entries should be typed and pasted in the bluebook, with the articles (or photocopies) to which you are referring on the left page, and your printed entries facing them on the right page. Each entry should begin with the date and a short headline indicating the source and topic of your reflection. An "entry number" should be written in the upper right-hand corner of each right-hand page. You can also use these numbers to refer back to other entries.
  10. Journals will be collected four times, at the start of class: 19 Oct. (with 3 or 4 entries),
    2 Nov. (with 5 to 7 entries), 11 Nov. (with 7 or 8 entries), and 2 Dec. (with 10 entries, including one about Nina Morecki's talk).
    Note: you will also answer the midterm questions on pages of your journals, and make notes for ungraded "quick feedback."
  11. The journals will be graded as follows: each acceptable entry will receive one or two points. Thus you can receive up to 20 points, which is 20% of the course grade.
  12. As the weeks progress, you will find that you are able to bring comparative perspectives to your reflections, relating various entries to each other and to the course materials. You may find that you wish to reflect about earlier assessments and reactions on the basis of new information. That is good-it is evidence of a learning process, and one of the main goals of this course!


  1. Topic. A good way to find a topic is to look though the textbook, the course reader, and the course web site for ideas. When you find something you would like to know more about, check for bibliographical references. If you have trouble finding a topic, or literature on a topic, please come to talk to me-sooner rather than later!
  2. Proposal. The purpose of a proposal is to describe the project of your final paper.
    It is due 2½ weeks before the paper itself. A good proposal will include:
    You should use at least 3 sources beyond the course readings, and you should give full citations in a consistent format (historians often use the Turabian handbook).
  3. Proposal grading. The proposal will be marked or +, or be returned for revision and resubmission. This translates into 1 or 2 points that will be added to the paper grade.
  4. Evidence. In your paper, be sure to use specific examples to support your argument!
  5. Length. Your term paper should be about 1500 words-5-6 double-spaced, typed pages, with 1½x1x1x1 margins and proportional space font.
  6. Due date. The term paper is due on Tuesday, Nov. 23, at the beginning of lecture.
    Late submissions will be penalized 1 point per day, beginning at 11am.
  7. Grading. The term paper counts for 40% of your final grade. It is worth taking seriously!
    (Point values: A: 38; A-: 37; B+: 35; B: 34; B-: 33; C+: 31; C: 30; C-: 29; D: 26)
  8. This course fulfills the general education writing requirement. If you do not submit the journal, proposal and the term paper, you cannot receive credit for this course (i.e., you will fail).
  9. Plagiarism--presenting someone else's work as your own, or deliberately failing to credit or attribute the work of others on whom you draw (including materials found on the web)--is a serious academic offense, punishable by dismissal from the university. Offenses will be reported to the appropriate university authorities for disciplinary action.
Course syllabus