UCSB Hist 133D, Fall 1999 Prof. Marcuse
The Holocaust in German History HSSB 4221, 893-2635
HSSB 1174, T-Th 11:00-12:15marcuse@humanitas.ucsb.edu
http://marcuse.faculty.history.ucsb.edu/133d Office hours: Tues. 1-2, Wed. 11-12



There are many reasons to study the Holocaust, which I understand to be the development and systematic implementation, in a country very similar to our own, of a program to eradicate entire groups of people. In this course, in addition to studying the historical "facts" of what happened, we will probe questions of causation (why did it happen?), motivation (why did people behave as they did?), and responsibility (who bears responsibility for what happened?). I also emphasize practicing historical skills: interpreting historical sources, understanding and assessing events, and writing history.


  1. I expect you to attend all classes and both evening film screenings. Why take a course if you don't make the effort to learn what it teaches? Lectures include slides, videos, discussion and information not available elsewhere in the course. I will call roll in order to learn your names.
  2. There will NOT be a midterm examination. Instead, you will be asked to write a short paragraph on a simple question about the assigned readings or films, roughly once every two weeks. These five questions will be announced one lecture in advance. They are worth 2 points each. You will need to bring your journal to class in order to submit your answers.
  3. You must keep a journal with 1-2 entries per week, for a total of 10 entries. Each entry, averaging 450 words, will be based on your thoughts about newspaper or magazine articles that you relate to the course, or about my lectures, the course readings or films.
    (For further details, see the blue "Journal and Term Paper Assignment" handout.)
    These journals will be collected four times during the quarter (weeks 3, 5, 6 and 9). They are due at the beginning of class or will be collected with the answers to the five "midterm" questions in #2 above. (You will also write the answers to those questions in the journal.)
    Note: This course fulfills the General Education writing requirement. If you do not submit this journal and the term paper, you will not receive credit for this course (i.e., you will fail).
  4. A term paper (1500 words, 5-6 pages) and a 1-2 page advance proposal. This paper will require some research. The proposal is due Thursday, November 4; the paper Tuesday, November 23, both at the beginning of class. Together they count for 40% of your final grade.
  5. A two-hour final examination will have 3 IDs chosen from 5, one source interpretation, and one essay question from a choice of two. A study guide will be distributed in early December.

GRADING is on a point system. You can accumulate up to 100 points, distributed as follows:
questions: 5x2=10%; journal: 10x2=20%; term paper+proposal: 40%; final exam: 30%.
Late work will be graded down 1/3 grade per day (B+ to B) etc.


30 Sept.
Introduction: What was the Holocaust? Why study it? Reader 1-3: survivors, genocide, us
5 Oct.
7 Oct.

Explanations of the Holocaust 1: Hitler and the Nazi Elite
Thu & Fri, 9am-4pm, Phelps courtyard: IC priority stickers
Expl. 2: German History, 1806/1848/1871/1918-1933
Textbook chap. 1

Text chap. 4, pp. 75-91; Rdr. #4
12 Oct.

14 Oct.

Expl. 3: Jewish History and the History of Antisemitism

The Weimar Republic and the Nazi "Seizure" of Power
7:30pm, Campbell Hall: Film The Last Days, 88min.+disc.
Textbook chaps. 2+3; R 5-7;
Abzug, 5-108.
Textbook chap. 4, pp. 91-112
attend film and discussion!
19 Oct.

21 Oct.

The 1930s: Persecution, Reconstruction, Expansion (J: 3-4)

Nazism and Women, Women and Nazism
Textbook chap. 5; 317-26
Heck, 1-94
R 8, 9: Tietz, www; Text chap. 9
26 Oct.

28 Oct.

Eugenics and Euthanasia: The Role of Science

The Course of World War II (midterm evaluations)
R 10, 11: Burleigh, Markle
Heck, 97-170, R 12: Heck
Textbook chap. 6
2 Nov.

4 Nov.

The War against Jews and Others: A "Twisted Road"? J5-7
          Thurs.: Proposal Due at beginning of class
The Concentration and Extermination Camps
Text chap. 7; Abzug, 109-178
R 13, 14: "Others"
R 15, 16: charts; Levi, 13-115
9 Nov.
11 Nov.

The Mentalities of the Murderers
W. & Th., 7pm, * "Escape from Sobibor," 120 mins.+disc.
The Experiences of the Victims (J: 7 or 8)
R 17, 18; Text 183-196
R 19, 20: Warsaw and Sobibor
Levi, 116-187.
16 Nov.

18 Nov.

Jewish Collaboration and Resistance

Anne Frank's Story and Its Lessons
R 21, 22: Rumkowski,
Perechodnik; Text 197-206
R 23-25: Anne Frank
23 Nov.

25 Nov.
Non-Jewish Resistance and Rescue; Paper Due
                                            at beginning of class
Thanksgiving recess
R 26: White Rose leaflets
        Textbook 206-221
30 Nov.

2 Dec.

Discussion with Holocaust Survivor Nina Morecki
                               Nina's web site
The Final Phase: Dissolution and Liberation (J: 10)
R 27: Nina's letter with maps

Abzug, 179-206; Heck, 173-249
7 Dec.
Legacies of the Holocaust: Survivors, Their Children, Us Text chap. 10; Abzug, 207-213; Heck, 250-266; R 28, 29, 30
15 Dec.  Wednesday, 12-2pm, HSSB 1174: Final Examination bring a large blue book