UC Santa Barbara > History Department > Prof. Marcuse > Courses > Hist 217bc homepage
133p final presentation Seminar presentation, June 2004
Graduate Research Seminar in Public History
(UCSB Hist 217BC - Spring+Fall 2007)
by Professor Harold Marcuse
contact: marcuse@history.ucsb.edu
course e-mail: 47522-F2007@ulists.ucsb.edu (works for prof. only)
page created April 26, 2007; last updates: 9/18/08; 12/24/2021

(at top)

Old Announcements
(at bottom)

Course description;
2007 217B syllabus
2007 217C syllabus
2004 133p handouts
best research papers


(suggestions welcome):

other seminar courses
Grads Page
Germany Links

Prof. Marcuse's courses:
Hist 133P: Undergrad Proseminar
Hist 200E: Germany Readings
Hist 201E: Collective Memory
Hist 233ab: Research Seminar

Announcements (old announcements move to bottom, also visitor statistics)

  • Nov. 29, 2007: Barzun & Graff, The Modern Researcher (Thomson 2004 [1957]), chap. 14 "Modes of Presentation" uploaded (9 page pdf). Most important are pp. 298-301 and 305-308.

cover of Rampolla, Pocket Guide to Writing in History Rampolla 2004, table of contents
table of contents; hi-res print version
Course Description (back to top)


Course Handouts for Undergraduate Proseminar (back to top)

Course materials from previous years (back to top)

  • 2003 syllabus for Research Seminar in German History (Hist 233ab)

Other Public History Courses (back to top)

  • Public History Resource Center (publichistory.org) has a listing of excellent Public History Syllabi [2008 web archive version], including Museum Studies, Oral History, Digital History
  • Senior Honors Thesis Seminar (by Harold Marcuse [me!], UCSB, 1998-99) link (or link)


  • .

Old Announcements (back to top)

  • April 26, 2007: This is a temporary placeholder for the default homepage. At the moment, the only real content is the 2007 Hist 217B(c) syllabus.
  • May 4, 2007: The articles by Rosenfeld and on the Eisenhower-Kennedy meeting are now available on eres. The password is pretty. Oh, I see that they didn't use my photocopies, but just linked to the jstor versions.
  • May 7, 2007: For this Thursday (week 6), please read the following:
    • Rosenfeld (1994). "The Reception of William L. Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," in: (pdf).
      Make an outline of the project as Rosenfeld might have done in an early stage of research (like where you are now).
    • Greenstein & Immerman (1992). "What Did Eisenhower Tell Kennedy About Indochina?," in: (pdf)
    • If you're interested, have a glance at: Daniel Kerr, "We Know What the Problem Is": Using Oral History to Develop a Collaborative Analysis of Homelessness from the Bottom Up," in: Oral History Review 30:1(Winter/Spring 2003), Pages 27-45 (abstr & pdf)
  • Oct. 30, 2007: Thesis paper handout (word document)
    • Julia's sample article: Peggy G. Hargis, "For the Love of Place: Paternalism and Patronage in the Georgia Lowcountry, 1865-1898," The Journal of Southern History 70:4 (2004), 825-864. (40-page, 8MB pdf; html version)
    • Joe's sample article: Patrick Major, "Rummel um Rommel: The Desert Fox Myth in the Early Federal Republic," paper presented at the GSA, San Diego, Oct. 7, 2007 (link removed 3/3/08 )
    • Tara's sample article: Robert Gellately, "Denunciations in 20th-Century Germany: Aspects of Self-Policing in the Third Reich and the German Democratic Republic," Journal of Modern History 68(Dec. 1996), 931-967. (37-page pdf, 800k)
    • Brian's article (7Mb pdf)
  • Nov. 13, 2007: This Thursday Abraham will present, and we will discuss Brian's article. The two readings are available as pdfs:
    • Richard Overy, "The Post-War Debate," in: Paul Addison and Jeremy Crang (eds.), Firestorm: The Bombing of Dresden, 1945 (Chicago: I.R. Dee, 2006), 123-142. (1.5M pdf)
    • Brenda Melendy, "Expellees on Strike: Competing Victimization Discourses and the Dachau Refugee Camp Protest Movement, 1948-1949," German Studies Review 28:1 (2005), 107-125 (7MB pdf).
    • Advice on oral presentations: Sam Wineburg, "Keeping Their Eyes Open... Must It Be This Way? Ten Rules for Keeping Your Audience Awake During Conferences" (2 page pdf). Educational Researcher, Vol. 33 No. 4 (originally from www.aera.net).
  • Nov. 14, 2007: 2-page pdf with the notes from the Overy reading.

author: Harold Marcuse

visitors since 10/22/07

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24 on 11/13/07=1/day
55 on 11/29/07=2/day
69 on 12/31/07=0.45/day
101 on 3/3/08=0.5/day
258 on 9/18/08=0.8/day
474 on 1/4/10
538 on 1/1/11
675 on 8/28/12

page created by H. Marcuse on April 25, 2007, last updated: see page header
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