UC Santa Barbara > History Department > Prof. Marcuse > Courses > Int 94il homepage > 2007 syllabus

UCSB Int 94il, Spring 2007 (course homepage)
Representing Hitler and Nazism, 1925-2007
HSSB 3201, Tue 1:00-1:50

Prof. Marcuse (homepage)
HSSB 4221, 893-2635
Office hours: Mon. 12:30-1:30; Thu. 12-1

Representing Hitler and Nazism, 1925-2007
Freshman Seminar Syllabus

(pdf version for printing)
[NOTE 4/08: superceded by 2008 syllabus]

Introduction and Goals

Freshmen seminars give students an opportunity to get acquainted with a professor and the professor's research in a small group setting. I teach German history, and my particular specialty is the different ways people have reacted to and thought about the Nazi Germany since the end of World War II. I look specifically at certain people (like Hitler), places (like Dachau), and events (like Kristallnacht).

My goals for this course are to get to know you and find out what you know about Hitler and Nazi Germany, and where you learned it.

As for your goals, I am very eager to hear about them! If you haven't done so already, please give it some thought and let me know!


  • attend class & events, do the assigned readings, and especially: participate in discussion!
  • prepare a short written and oral report on one of the weekly readings or topics

Weekly Schedule


Apr. 3:




Apr. 10:

Quirky things about Hitler

Fuchs, 1-38


Apr. 15:

Apr. 17:

Sun, 3pm: Talk by Prof. Friedländer (UCLA): Nazi Extermination, UCSB Hillel, 781 Embarcadero del Mar
Hitler's Early Life & Sexuality

Fuchs, 39-86


Apr. 24:

Hitler's Personality

Fuchs, 87-123


May 1:

Hitler the Politician

Fuchs, 124-155


May 8:

Hitler and His Inner Circle

Fuchs, 156-196


May 14?
May 15:

Charlie Chaplin, The Great Dictator (1941), 124min.
Comedies about Hitler

Watch evening film, 7pm, HSSB 4020, w/ pizza


May 22:

Hitler and the Holocaust Group oral presentations

Resources page


May 29:

Open topics / Group oral presentations

Mahlendorf chap. 4, ch. 8


June 5:

Open topics / Visit by Prof. Mahlendorf


prepared for web on 4/8/07; last updated: 5/23/07, 4/6/08
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