(back to top)
- May 8, 2004: here is a similar course: Research
Seminar in History and Theory (by Craig Cameron, Old Dominion University
[Norfalk, VA], Spr. 04, now only on internet archive)
- March 21, 2005: I may be offering this course again
in Winter 2006. Expect at least half of the books to change. See the
2004 syllabus. [added 1/06: 2006
- Nov. 7, 2005: I don't have the prerequisite--how can I enroll
in this course anyway? This course has as a prerequisite any
course in the Hist 133 series, or permission of the instructor. I grant
permission to students who have sufficient background in German or Holocaust
history--another relevant course (including high school electives),
substantial independent reading, films, museum visits would all count.
If you are highly motivated and are willing to do some preparatory reading,
I can also let you into the course. (Since this is a discussion-based
course, if you don't have the background, you will feel left out of
the discussion and your grade will suffer.) Recommended titles
for preparation are:
- Ronnie Landau, The Nazi Holocaust
- Deborah Dwork and R.J. van Pelt, The Holocaust: A History
- Enzo Colotti, Hitler and Nazism
- Jackson Spielvogel, Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History.
UCSB: DD256.5 .S68 1996
- or another textbook on Nazi Germany or the Holocaust
- Contact me by e-mail to discuss whether your preparation
is sufficient: marcuse@history.ucsb.edu.
- Nov. 18, 2005: Winter 2006 theme: Testimony
and Memory. The books will be:
- Victor Klemperer, I Will Bear Witness : A Diary of the Nazi
Years, 1933-1941 (Modern Library, 1999) [$12/3
at amazon]
- Mark Roseman, A Past in Hiding: Memory and Survival in Nazi
Germany (Picador, 2002) [$18/3
at amazon]
- Judith Isaacson, Seed of Sarah: Memoirs of a Survivor
(Illinois, 1991) [$11/3
at amazon]
- Filip Muller, Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas
Chambers (Ivan Dee, 1999) [$10/5
at amazon]
- Mark Roseman, The Wannsee Conference and the Final Solution:
A Reconsideration (Picador, 2003) [$11/3
at amazon; special:
$13 hardcover]
- Rudolf Hoss, Death Dealer: The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant
at Auschwitz (DaCapo, 1996) [$13/12
at amazon]
- John Lukacs, The Hitler of History (Vintage, 1998) [$10/4
at amazon]
- Jan Gross, Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community
in Jedwabne, Poland (Penguin, 2002) [$11/6
at amazon]
- Jan. 2, 2006: Here are the main parts of an e-mail
I just sent to the class:
- Although I
haven't finalized this year's syllabus yet, the eight books we will
be reading for this course have been set for some time. If you are
sure that you are up to the book-a-week pace (we will also practice
how to read at that rate) and will stick with this course, you may
want to try to save some money by purchasing the books used or on-line.
(I now purchase most of my books this way, unless I'm in a rush.)
It may be short notice for the first book, but there should be ample
time for the rest. See the links in the Nov. 18 announcement, immediately
after this one.
- Reading through
the "course history" section below
will give you a good idea of how the course works. For 2006 I think
I will go back to the way I did it in 1998, beginning each class
with a professor-led discussion, then turning it over to student
teams who did background research.
- The classroom,
1934 Buchanan, is a small seminar room tucked away on the far side
of Buchanan hall (on the side towards
Sciences, away from Ellison Hall). (campus
- Jan. 19, 2006: I finally finished updating this site
for 2006. The 2006 syllabus is now available.
See below especially the links to reviews of Klemperer,
as well as some links for the "Horst-Wessel-Song,"
which Klemperer mentions many times (see the note in the middle of p.
- Jan. 19, 2006: I had promised to send out a list
of topics and who signed up for them: it appears below and
I will send it on e-mail. Now that you have had a chance to look at
the books yourselves, we can discuss in class on 1/25 whether anyone
wants to join another group or trade. If anyone is willing to double
up, I'd encourage you to look at Wannsee, Höss and Lukacs again.
I think it can be much easier to discuss a book with one of your peers
in advance of class.
- Klemperer Diary: Danelle & Alison
- Roseman on Marianne: Kaaren, Hayden
- Isaacson on Women in Auschwitz: Jenn, Janet, Cecilia,
- Müller on Auschwitz crematoria: Aubrey
- Roseman on Wannsee Conference: Simon
- Höss's memoir: Kari, (Kimberly, Kaaren)
- Lukacs on Hitler: Megan, Greg
- Gross on Jedwabne: Mira, Kimberly
- Jan. 26, 2006: Students have asked about "what
makes good questions." If you have received a "+" for
your questions on Klemperer and are willing to let me post them on this
website, let me know (and send them, if I don't have an electronic copy
already). For now, see the "Weekly Topics"
below, where you'll find sample essays (Janet's from this year, otherwise
from 2004), and sample questions (2004 about Müller's Auschwitz
- Feb. 2, 2006: More sample discussion questions added
to topics section, below; also some links on Seed
of Sarah.