UC Santa Barbara > History Department > Prof. Marcuse > Publications Page
Two of Harold Marcuse's publications

Harold Marcuse:

Publications Page
(publications listed in chronological order)

see also Book Reviews page & CV listing

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page created Dec. 11, 2004, last updated 4/23/2019

These thumbnail pictures link to the short descriptions below on this page.
The text links go directly to the texts available on this website.
The most recent publications are at bottom.
Steine des Anstosses, cover
1985 exhibition about post-1945 monuments and memorials (German)
full illustrated version
Dachauer Hefte, volume 6
1990 history of Dachau, 1945-68
(in German)
draft w/o notes
1968: The World Transformed
1998 essay about Holo in US, Germ., Isr.
text with notes

(updated 7/27/18)
Lessons and Legacies, volume 3 cover
1999 essay about aesthetics of Holo. memorials
draft w/o notes
Thumbnail of Legacies of Dachau: The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp, 1933-2001
2001 monograph about Dachau, 1890-present
book page
Dachauer Hefte issue 19, cover 2003 essay about forgotten mass grave, 1949
text& pdf
Ashworth & Hartmann (2005): Horror and Human Tragedy 2005 essay about Dachau as a tourist site


  • Sept. 5, 2018:Weber 2017, Becoming Hitler, coverThe Israeli journal Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust asked me and two other scholars to discuss Thomas Weber's new book Becoming Hitler: The Making of a Nazi (New York: Basic, 2017), 422 pages. Weber responded to our essays, and all four articles were published in the June 2018 issue of the magazine (TOC). You can read the introduction to the 4 pieces on their website. Here is an 8 page pdf of my author's last version (before the journal's editing process). On my Hitler Project page I've posted a link to Dapim's eprint version (first 50 viewers access it for free).
  • Jan. 2018: I haven't been keeping up with posting things, but here is another recent publication (since I finished the manuscript in 2014 I've found some more interesting information, which I hope to be submitting for publication soon):
  • June 2015: adding more publications, and better scans (ocr'd) of older ones:
  • Sept. 29, 2013: Link to Czech translation of 2003 Leiten Mass Grave article added. Caplan/Wachsmann book coverGregor book cover
  • Nov. 3, 2010: My review of Neil Gregor's Nuremberg and the Nazi Pasthas appeared in the American Historical Review (Oct. 2010), 1245f.
    pdf added to my Reviews page.
  • Feb. 24, 2010: Recently 3 articles/chapters I've written have been published:
    • "Holocaust Memorials: The Emergence of a Genre," American Historical Review, 115:1(Feb. 2010), pp. 53-89, including 34 illustrations. (25M pdf) [scrapbookpages blog]
      [12/31/10: thanks to Mark Schulte, liberation dates corrected on pages 63 & 64]
    • "The Afterlife of the Camps," concluding chapter in: Jane Caplan and Nikolaus Wachsmann (eds.), Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany: The New Histories (New York: Routledge, 2010), pp. 186-211.Niven/Paver book cover (1M pdf; publisher's page; $28 at amazon)
    • "Memorializing Persecuted Jews in Dachau and Other West German Concentration Camp Memorial Sites," in: William Niven and Chloe Paver (eds.), Memorialization in Germany since 1945 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 192-204. (650k pdf; publisher's page; $80 at BN.com; $110 at amazon)

  1. SteineSteine des Anstosses, cover  des Anstosses: Nationalsozialismus und Zweiter Weltkrieg in Denkmalen, 1945-1985 (Hamburg: Museum for the History of Hamburg, 1985); co-authored with Frank Schimmelfennig and Jochen Spielmann. [back to navbar]
  2. "Bemerkungen zum 'Mahnmal für die Opfer von Krieg und Gewaltherrschaft' in Bonn," in: Freimuth Duwe (ed.), Kulturheft 3, (Bonn: Kunst und Kultur, 1985), pp. 87-89. [back to navbar]
    • Expert testimony at a public hearing about the planned Bonn national victims' memorial.
    • The exhibition "Stones of Contention" (see item 1, above) was displayed in the hearing room.
  3. Master's
    Hamburg-Ohlsdorf: Memorial to the victims of national socialism, in 1983
    photograph of Hamburg monument in 1983
    thesis: "The Commemoration of those Persecuted under National Socialism: The 'Monument to the Victims of National Socialist Persecution and the Resistance Struggle' in Hamburg, 1946-1949." (in German). University of Hamburg, 1985. [back to navbar]
  4. "West German Strategies of Commemoration," in: Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies 3:2(1987). [back to navbar]
  5. "Denkmale zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart," in: Lernort Gemeinde: Beiträge zur Gemeindepädagogik, 2/1990, pp. 3-5. [back to navbar]
    • A short article for a regional church journal where "Stones of Contention" was being shown.
  6. "DasDachauer Hefte, volume 6  ehemalige Konzentrationslager Dachau: Der mühevolle Weg zur Gedenkstätte, 1945-1968," in: Dachauer Hefte 6(1990), 182-205. [back to navbar]
  7. Dissertation: "Nazi Crimes and Identity in West Germany: Collective Memories of the Dachau Concentration Camp, 1945-1990" (University of Michigan, 1992). [back to navbar]
    • a much more comprehensive, illustrated version was published in 2001 as a monograph, Legacies of Dachau (see #14, below)
    • UMI order gateway. Go through two screens to get to the search screen, where it will come up under title:Dachau, author:Marcuse, or order number:9308392.
    • Price in 2005: $36 (may include shipping, may cost $31 unbound).
  8. "Die Museale Darstellung des Holocaust an Orten der ehemaligen Konzentrationslager in der Bundesrepublik, 1945-1990," in: Erinnerung: Zur Gegenwart des Holocaust in Deutschland West und Deutschland Ost (Frankfurt: Haag and Herchen, 1993), 79-98. [back to navbar]
    • A comprehensive chronological overview of how West German concentration camp museums portrayed "the Holocaust" (Nazi persecution and atrocities) from 1945 until 1990.
    • text without notes
  9. "Remembering the White Rose in West Germany, 1943-1993," Soundings 22:9(1994), 25-38. [back to navbar]
    • Retraces 50 years of interpretions of the White Rose student anti-Nazi resistance group.
    • full text
    • Based on a presentation during an international conference at UCSB.
  10. "The 1968: The World TransformedRevival of Holocaust Awareness in West Germany, Israel, and the United States" in: Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert, Detlef Junker (eds.), 1968: The World Transformed (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), 421-38. [back to navbar]
  11. "Dachau: Lessons and Legacies, volume 3 cover The Political Aesthetics of Holocaust Memorials," in: Peter Hayes (ed.), Lessons and Legacies III: Memory, Memorialization, and Denial (Evanston, IL: Northwestern Univ. Press, 1999), 138-168, 278-287. [back to navbar]
    • This comprehensive essay discusses the whole range of events referenced by concentration camp memorials.
    • As in my monograph Legacies of Dachau, most examples are from Dachau, but the scope is much broader.
    • Based on my presentation at the 1994 Lessons & Legacies conference, sponsored by the Holocaust Educational Foundation.
    • text without notes
    • scan of table of contents of volume III
    • used in Paul Jaskot's "Art and the Holocaust" course at Depaul University, Fall 2000.
  12. "Experiencing Other Voices, screenshot of article the Jewish Holocaust in Los Angeles: The Beit Hashoah--Museum of Tolerance," on-line journal Other Voices, 2:1(2000) [back to navbar]
    • In contrast to most other scholarly assessments of the MOT, I come to a positive assessment of the museum because of how it achieves its stated goals with its target audience.
    • Begins with a detailed descriptive tour of the museum.
    • article available on-line: Other Voices 2:1(2000).
    • richly illustrated, prints on 12-14 pages.
    • 2008 renovation completed : 9/28/08 LA Times newspaper article about $13 million makeover of the musuem that was just completed (not by me, just for future reference).
  13. "Generational Cohorts and the logo of Remembering for the Future conferenceShaping of Popular Attitudes Towards the Holocaust," in: Remembering for the Future (London: Palgrave: 2001), vol. 3, pp. 652-663. [back to navbar]
    • Stand-alone essay summarizes the generation/cohort theory I develop at the beginning of chapter 12 of my monograph Legacies of Dachau. (see next item, below)
    • 'Remembering for the Future' conference, Oxford, July 2000.
    • text (with table but without footnotes)
    • pdf version (prints on 6 pages; added 11/09)
    • abstract (2 pages, w/ questions--this was part of the conference program booklet).
  14. Legacies Thumbnail of Legacies of Dachau: The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp, 1933-2001 of Dachau: The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp, 1933-2001 (Cambridge University Press, 2001). [back to navbar]
  15. Memory Memory to Action guidebook, 2003 edition to Action! A Guidebook for Commemorating the Holocaust, co-author with Ralph Daniel (Santa Barbara: Holocaust Home Commemoration Project, 1999-2003). [back to navbar]
    • interactive guidebook for a small group commemorations
    • It is based around a shared meal and aims to motivate participants to participate in activities that promote social justice.
    • tested and refined with many groups of participants from diverse backgrounds
      • 1st draft edition, 1999
      • 2nd revised edition, 2000
      • 3rd completely revised edition, November 2001 (pp. 6-26 by hm)
      • 4th revised edition, January 2003 (pages 1-19, 21-22 by hm)
      • scan of 4th ed. table of contents
    • available as pdf from the download pageDachauer Hefte issue 19, cover on the memorytoaction.org website.
  16. "Die vernachlässigten Massengräber: Der Skandal um dem Leitenberg, 1949-50," Dachauer Hefte 19(2003), 3-23. [back to navbar]
  17. "Reshaping Cover of Horror and Human Tragedy RevisitedDachau for Visitors, 1933-2000," in: Greg Ashworth and Rudi Hartmann (eds.), Horror and Human Tragedy Revisited: The Management of Sites of Atrocities for Tourism (New York: Cognizant Communications, Sept. 2005), 118-148.
  18. "Dachau," entry in Encyclopedia of Europe, 1914-2004, edited by John Merriman and Jay Winter (New York: Thompson/Gale, 2006)
    • page scans (with printable pdf)
  19. "Dachau im Wandel, 1945-2005: Konzeptionen und Ziele der Vermittlung," in: Das Konzentrationslager Dachau: Erlebnis, Erinnerung, Geschichte (Munich: Meidenbauer, 2006), pp. 39-51. (x page pdf) (2 page pdf of 12 ppt slides)
    • illustrated essay about how the presentation of the camp in the memorial site has changed over time
    • French translation: "Dachau au fil du temps, de 1945 á 2005: Concepts et finalités de la transmission," in: Anne Bernou-Fieseler et Fabien Théofilakis (eds.), Dachau: Mémoires et Histoire de la déportation. Regards franc o-allemands (Paris: Éditions Tirénsias, 2006), pp. 35-48 (14 page pdf)
  20. "Memories of the World War II and the Holocaust in Europe," in: Gordon Martel (ed.), A Companion to Europe, 1900-1945 (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006), pp. 487-503.
  21. "Holocaust Memorials: The Emergence of a Genre," American Historical Review, 115:1(Feb. 2010), pp. 53-89, including 34 illustrations.
  22. "The Afterlife of the Camps," concluding Niven/Paver book coverchapter in: Jane Caplan and Nikolaus Wachsmann (eds.), Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany: The New Histories (New York: Routledge, 2010), pp. 186-211.
  23. "Memorializing Persecuted Jews in Dachau and Other West German Concentration Camp Memorial Sites," in: William Niven and Chloe Paver (eds.), Memorialization in Germany since 1945 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 192-204.

page created by H. Marcuse, December 11, 2004, last updated: see page header
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