(back to top)
- Jan. 5, 2004: The readings for Jan. 7 are also available
on-line: poem "The Master
Race"; H-German
discussion comparing Iraq in 2003 and Germany in 1945
- Apr. 2, 2004:
German film Goodbye Lenin just opened in Santa
Barbara. It is a wonderful comedy that turns the fall of the Berlin
wall on its head (the Westerners flood eastward!). A must-see for students
in this course--you'll recognize much of the documentary footage we
saw. Here are some links: Internet
Movie Data Base plot summary; trailer
(on apple website); German
- Sept. 29, 2004: I found an interesting teaching site
developed since 1999 by a German teacher teaching at an elite school
in Korea, "WHKMLA,"
hosted by the Center for Instructional Media in Germany. It is in English,
and especially the links seem to be unique (they go beyond the usual).
- Nov. 11, 2004: Was Ronald Reagan the "real"
cause of the fall of the Berlin Wall? In an op-ed piece in the LA
Times "It
was Reagan who tore down that wall," conservative historian
Dinesh D'Souza argues he was. My and other letters to the editor argue
he wasn't.
So: What evidence does D'Souza present to make his case? What did
cause the fall of the wall?
- July 27, 2005: Deutsche Welle's Dummy's
Guide to German Elections is quite good.
- Jan. 30, 2006: going through your book proposals,
I find that 6 students have chosen to do the Stasi, based on the same
two books (Funder and Koehler). I'd like to propose some alternatives
that you can look into:
- Timothy Garton Ash, The File (amazon)
- Mike Dennis, Norman Laporte, The Stasi: Myth
and Reality (amazon)
- Dirk Philipsen, Voices from East Germany's
Revolutionary Autumn of 1989 (amazon)
- Peter Marcuse, A Personal and Political Journal
of a Year in East Germany, 1989-1990 (amazon
& UCSB library )
- Robert Darnton, Berlin Journal, 1989-1990
(UCSB library)
- Jonathan Grix. The Role of the Masses in the
Collapse of the GDR (amazon)
- A. James McAdams, Judging the Past in Unified
Germany (amazon)
- Feb. 13, 2006: On Wednesday, 2/15, Prof. Ursula Mahlendorf
will come to our class to read portions of her memoir that she is still
writing, and to answer questions and discuss issues that arise. Here
are the chapters she will read from, which are also the texts for the
extra credit assignment due Wednesday:
- [for background, see this introduction
(2 single-spaced pages)]
- Memoir chapter
8: The Russian Invasion (18 pages)
- Memoir chapter
9: Silesia becomes Polish (19 pages)
- Extra credit: Read chapters 8
and 9, and type 4 questions you would like to ask Prof.
Mahlendorf. You should ask some of these, and hand them in at the
end of class (typed only). Worth the same as a "Q": up
to 4 points.
- Feb. 21, 2006: I'm trying something new--doing my
usual midterm course evaluation on-line.
- Please take the Hist
133c midterm evaluation survey. [3/3/06:
results reported in L21]
- There are 10 radio button questions, 1 required text box, and
3 optional text boxes.
[note 3/3/06: put all optional at end--otherwise
empty cells in .csv export file]
- The survey
results page can be accessed publicly. (I've never done this
before, so I don't know what it will look like...) [note 2/27: output
is a real pain. I'm still tweaking it in excel.]
- Please do this asap--I would really appreciate hearing from the
whole class by Thursday, Feb. 23. Thank you!
- Feb. 27, 2006: The reading for Wed., Mar. 1, is available
as scanned images; more easily printable OCR text will be available
- Dirk Philipsen, "The Troubled Emergence of
an Idea" (1993), scans
of pages 35-55. (easier for on-screen reading, but won't print
- If you want to print it, use this OCR
text of pp. 35-55. (my browser prints it on 17 pages)
- Feb. 24, 2007: Enrollment for this spring is limited
to 40 and has been closed, so no one will be able to register (only
to drop), until the first day of class. As of today there are 3 people
on the waiting list, and 2 spaces have already opened
up. E-mail me to get on the list.
- The course themes for Spring 2007 will be: "The
Stasi and the Greens," with emphases on the surveillance state
and the environmental movement.
- The course books are:
- March 22, 2007: The waitlist now has 8 students on
it. The course is closed, so you need to e-mail me if you want to be
- April 2, 2007: 2007
syllabus now available. The course is full, and there are 14 students
on the waiting list, 4 of them with priority reasons. (So chances for
anyone else at this point are nil.)
- April 4, 2007: Q1 is due on Friday
at the start of class. I prefer that it be typed, unless your handwriting
is *very* neat. Here is the question:
- Based on Fulbrook, chaps. 1 and 14: What are the four
main factors that explain the patterns of stability and change in
20th century German History?(Write a sentence or so explaining
each; you might come up with five or six, although she mentions
4 explicitly several times.)
- Several students have reported problems obtaining the
This afternoon I requested that all of the books be put on reserve,
but who knows how long that will take. For now, it is easy to use
the library's
ebook copy, if you are on campus (or know how to set up your
computer's browser as a "proxy server"--instructions
are on the library website--this makes the library think you
are on campus):
The only problem is, if someone else is already looking at the book,
you can't access it. But you sign up to be notified when it becomes
available. I tried but found I could NOT copy the text and paste
it into a document for later viewing. Chaps. 1 & 14 in that
1992 edition are pages: 1-14 and 349-369. Please be considerate
and close the viewer as soon as you are done, so
that others can use the book.
- April 5, 2007: You can also access the course textbook
on amazon: 2002
edition (pp. 1-11 & 285-301). Searching for the keyword "external"
will let you enter at pp. 2 and 6 (and browse in both directions), "inherited"
will give you p. 9. "Dahrendorf" will give you 286 & 287;
Junkers gives 288 (and back to 286); intelligentsias 295, wartorn 299
(297-301). Good luck!
- PS. Films on Apr. 30/May 1 and June 4 & 5 will be in HSSB
4020, Mondays 6:30pm, Tue. 6pm.
- April 12, 2007: Q2 is due Friday.
Look up on the internet or in reference works any two of the names following
the groups corresponding to your last name in the alphabet. Write a
few sentences on what the two post-1945 German politicians did during
the Nazi era? (You should know what they did afterwards, but I
want to read only what you found out about their Nazi activities.) If
you add the website URL where you found the best information, that would
be nice. Here are the groups:
- Names A-F: Konrad Adenauer, Kurt Schumacher,
Willy Brandt
- Names G-K: Theodor Oberländer, Kurt Kiesinger,
Hans Globke
- Names L-P: Hans-Jochen Vogel, Helmut Schmidt,
Franz-Josef Strauss, Hans Filbinger
- Names R-Y: Wilhelm Pieck, Walter Ulbricht, Erich
Honecker, Erich Mielke
- Note: If I gave different letter groups in class and you've already
researched your politicians, don't worry. I simply forgot to write
down where I divvied up the alphabet.
- Apr. 16, 2007: Q3 is due Wednesday:
- Select one quotation from each of 3 sections of The Reader,
-explain why selected, or: -what significant issue it raises.
- Apr. 16, 2007: Film Walk on Water, Tues.
7pm, Corwin Pavillion + discussion with director. (103
mins.; imdb)
- Apr. 16, 2007: Some syllabus announcements:
- The reading by Prof. Mahlendorf assigned for later this week is
postponed. She will visit our class on Monday, April 30, so the
chapters by Prof.
Mahlendorf are assigned for the weekend of Apr. 28.
- The reading for Monday, May 7 (visit by Prof. Judaken): Horkheimer
& Adorno on antisemitism, is now on ERes
at the library. Password is road.
- Apr. 16, 2007: The German department has organized
a film series this quarter, which has several films
of interest to this course:
- Wednesday, April 18, at 7:00 p.m. in the Theatre & Dance Building
Sophie Scholl: The Last Days Academy Award nominee
for Best Foreign Film. (2005).
Recreation of student resistor's interrogation prior to her execution
in Feburary 1943. (120 mins; imdb;
Wikipedia on
HSSB 1173, 7:00PM
A lesbian relationship in wartime Berlin (1999). (125 min; imdb)
THEATER & DANCE BUILDING 1701, 7:00PM (106 mins; imdb,
A young German woman falls in love with a man who turns out to be
a terrorist. (1975).
1173, 7:00PM
When a young woman investigates her town's Nazi past, the community
turns against her. (Comedy, Drama, 1991). (92 mins., imdb)
- Join us each night before the film for Kaffeestunde at
Nicoletti's (in the UCen), 5:30-6:30PM
- Apr. 21, 2007: The Book
Essay handout is now available. Note that the proposal due
date has been extended until Wednesday, Apr. 25. Also, be sure
to finish reading textbook chapter 6 for Monday. I have not finished
updating the Book List yet.
- Apr. 22, 2007, 5pm : The Suggested
Books for Essay page is in the process of updating, but you can
use whatever you find there.
- Apr. 25, 2007, 6pm: Q4 due Friday: From Fulbrook
chap. 7, name the *5* events *1949-1960* that you think are most important
in cementing the division of Germany.State briefly the role each played.
(5 bulleted sentences)
- Apr. 28, 2007: Q5 due Monday: Based
on the introduction,
recommended (chap. 3=1938-40,
chap. 4=1940-42) ,
and required (chap. 8=1945,
chap. 9=1945-46)
reading, write 3-4 questions to ask Prof. Mahlendorf. Best is if you
clip a short quotation from the text on which your question is based,
and include it with each question. Be sure to complete reading
at least chaps. 8 and 9! Prof. Mahlendorf will be our guest
on Monday.
- Don't forget that the required film The Promise will
be this Monday evening, Apr. 30.
- May 4, 2007: Q6 due Monday: Based on the 1944/47
& Adorno text on eres (password: road), give 5 short quotations
indicating each of the EIEIO causes of antisemitism. Dr. Judaken will
be our guest speaker on Monday, so please be prepared with questions
about that text.
- May 9, 2007: Paper extension option. After having
given this more thought, this is how it will work. Since submitting
a paper on Monday would normally be 4 days late and subject to a reduction
of 4 points, cancelling the 5-points for the revised version would be
unduly harsh. Also, I want you to resubmit that version anyway. SO:
I will give a one day "grace period" and only assess -3 pts.
if you turn it in on Monday at 11am. This would basically be the same
as the allowance to submit on Friday until 5pm without penalty. HOWEVER:
the Friday grace period will only apply to those who come to class that
day and sign in for it. (No license to miss class.)
- In sum, there are three options:
1) submit Friday at 11am as the syllabus says, no special arrangements.
Earn my gratitude.
2) submit Friday by 5pm w/o penalty IF you sign in on a list in
class Friday, 5/11.
3) submit Monday at 11am IF your name is on today's list, for only
a 3 pt. late penalty.
I will try to get the Monday papers back by 5/21, in case you qualify
for the web option.
- Note further: the ENTIRE 6-7 paper is due now, NOT just the 1-2
page summary.
- May 16, 2007: Midterm survey. As announced in an e-mail yesterday, if at least 38 students take the 2007 midterm survey, it will count as Q7 for everyone.
- Extra credit opportunity: attend the following film tonight and do a short write-up of your thoughts on it: Wednesday, May 16 "The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum" Theater & Dance Building 1701, 7:00PM (106 mins; imdb, wikipedia).
A young German woman falls in love with a man who is suspected of being a terrorist, and the tabloid press hounds her and everyone who knows her. (1975).
- May 21, 2007: Q8 may be due on Wed., May 23. It will be based on Dirk Philipsen's 1990 interviews with Frank Eigenfeld and Harald Wagner (available as pdf on eres, password road; and as text and images on this site). The pdf is the best for printing.
- May 23, 2007: Q8 is due on Friday. Based on Philipsen's interviews with Eigenfeld and Wagner (on the web: see May 21 announcement):
- for each dissident, name the 3 most important motivations why they became dissidents, with brief explanation why it was important for them (6 bullet points).
- You should also start reading The File over the weekend. It is a relatively fast-paced read, but may be hard to fit in during next week. We will discuss it next Friday.
- June 1, 2007: Q9 is due today (Friday) . In preparation for a discussion of The File, name 6 Stasi IMs/employees, stating who each was and why they spied.
- June 6, 2007: Ok, the 2007 final exam is available. I must say that I'm somewhat disappointed that so many of you are so eager to get it before the last class, all the while saying attendance Friday will be low. Anyway, the last lecture will contain much of the answer to the essay question. And I'll pass out hard copies of the exam in lecture.
- Regarding Q10, by my count 12 students haven't seen Good Bye Lenin! (10 saw it Monday, 6 on their own, 17 Wednesday evening). I'll give automatic full credit to everyone on a sign-up sheet, or who've confirmed to me that they've seen it. (No need to submit anything written; if you saw it on your own since Wednesday morning, see me before or after class Friday and I'll ask you a question about it to confirm.)
- If you can't see the film, as an alternative you can answer the following question based on Fulbrook chapter 14, due Friday in class:
Q10 alternative: Describe briefly but specifically how each of four main factors contributed to stability or change in post-1945 East Germany only. (Sound like Q1? It should! But now you should know some depth for your answer.) Be sure to specify which elite(s) played a role.
- June 12, 2007: I'm starting to upload the 22 web option papers: index page; template.
- June 13, 2007: 2:30pm--12 papers are uploaded. When I'm done I'll send instructions on how to check the links so that you'll get full credit for the web option.
- I've received some questions about point totals and grading. Since I grade on a curve, the best guideline is to look at my past point distributions and the grades they received, in the grading section, below. For instance, 80 points was a B in 2004, but a B- in 2006.